I use bags but gave them to someone to use.Anyone have access to a lead sled and the rook to bring it? That would be awesome!
I will be my Arab self this weekend.
Well fugg, guess I am going to be Carlos again.But......
“Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah.”
Otherwise I have an ice chest big enough to stuff 2 of my daughters X boyfriends in... (Never been used for that to date) There will be room if someone needs to keep something cold...
I plan on a couple cases of bottled water, a case of Coke and a few big bags of ice. After that I will wander around Sam's Club and find a few other things. Maybe a flat of those man sized muffins or other random things to round out the man-meals you boys are preparing. With no woman to cook, I grill a lot and its basic...
If something is in need and it can be bought, tell me.
fuck I can't wait
wife didn't wanna make tater salad so she's gonna make like 60 deviled eggs
deviled eggs and beer
gonna smell good
Sweet! I'll take u fuggers on.Cornhole boards. I'll have mine.
I'll bring my M boards for all the cool kids.We definitely need a couple more corn hole sets.
Just finished my prep on rubs and sauce.
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I'll even wear my pumped up kicks...I'll bring my M boards for all the cool kids.