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TOO Shoot: whatcha bringing?


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Otherwise I have an ice chest big enough to stuff 2 of my daughters X boyfriends in... (Never been used for that to date) There will be room if someone needs to keep something cold...
I plan on a couple cases of bottled water, a case of Coke and a few big bags of ice. After that I will wander around Sam's Club and find a few other things. Maybe a flat of those man sized muffins or other random things to round out the man-meals you boys are preparing. With no woman to cook, I grill a lot and its basic...

If something is in need and it can be bought, tell me.

Big can of coffee
Sam's Club; man size muffins in chocolate, banana and blue berry
bag of apples
bag of oranges
lg bag of buns
lg bag of dinner rolls
2 water melons- for eatin/not shootin
2 case of bottled water
1 case of Coke
4 gal sealed jug of water for coffee/cooking

1-2- 500 gram cakes...
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
fuck I can't wait

wife didn't wanna make tater salad so she's gonna make like 60 deviled eggs
deviled eggs and beer
gonna smell good