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Jesse's 2015 Plots


Staff member
I didn't this year, but the previous 4 years it was roughly the same: 650-750 pounds per acre of lime. This plot is roughly a 1/8 of an acre, so I just use one 50# bag of pelletized. Ag lime is cheaper, but neither works faster. Your soil determines the rate at which the lime works. The pelletized is just easier to spread.

For a new plot that's going in on formerly wooded ground, I'd hit it at 1-2K #s per acre if you can stand it. You won't see the benefit of the lime until the next planting at this point though, so consider it paying it forward.


Staff member
Looks great Jesse! I can see a buck catching an arrow in that spot!
Actually this is a tough spot to kill a buck. This is more my "I just want to be in the woods and see deer spot". The big boys skirt the blind and stay up towards the ridge to look/smell for does. That's why I have my best stands hung on the ridges above this bottom. I'll post some pics in my journal of the stand I just hung and explain why it's a much better spot. I'll get good pics of bucks down here at night, but it's rare for them to hit the plot in daylight.
Actually this is a tough spot to kill a buck. This is more my "I just want to be in the woods and see deer spot". The big boys skirt the blind and stay up towards the ridge to look/smell for does. That's why I have my best stands hung on the ridges above this bottom. I'll post some pics in my journal of the stand I just hung and explain why it's a much better spot. I'll get good pics of bucks down here at night, but it's rare for them to hit the plot in daylight.

Have you ever tried a buck/doe decoy combo there?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Looks good. I tried a doe decoy during the rut last year and all the does that seen it was spooked to say the least. I'll give it another try this year but will horns for a small buck effect. I have a fence line of walnut trees in my front pasture and the grass under the trees always looks the same at the rest of the pasture.


Staff member
It was a long, hot, bee filled day at the farm but we got the plots in. I managed to find two different yellow jacket nests in the process and got stung twice. Other than that, it was a great day with my old man. Snapped some pics so you guys can see what we got done. We were out there 3 weeks ago and mowed these plots off, then I sprayed them last weekend, so they were good and ready for a tilling. We started with the plot I call the Corner Pocket. It's situated in an inside corner with some oaks lining the edge, steep hillside dropping off just inside the wood line and a 3 acre corn field above it. I'll be paying the farmer to leave the outside 8 rows on this side and will hide a ground blind in there for gun/muzzy season. I'll have this plot on one side and 2.5 acres of cut corn on the other. I have also have a 2 acre sanctuary just south of here. I planted Whitetail Institute Pure Attraction here, which is oats, brassicas and winter peas.

Here is a view of how it sits in the corner of the woods.

This is looking south. The sanctuary starts on the edge of the plot to the right of the picture.

Straight ahead view from the stand.

The second plot we planted is a plot I call the Runway. This plot sits in our creek bottom and adjoins an old farm road that connects the ridge top bean field to our creek bottom. Makes a great funnel and it's one of my favorite spots on the farm. This is the view as you pop out of the woods...

I also planted Pure Attraction in this plot since I had some left over. This is look back towards the woods after I seeded and packed it in.

This is looking down on it from the stand...

The last plot we planted is the one I simply call the Big Plot. It's the largest plot at 1/4 an acre. I planted Merit Seed 12-Point Buck Blend in this plot and it is my first attempt with an perennial. It's a blend of Merit Platinum Ladino Clover, Jumbo Ladino Clover, Alsike Clover, Ruby Red Clover, Alfalfa and Chicory. I've had great luck with Merit products in the past and look forward to seeing how this does. This plot sits in the biggest opening in our creek bottom. My biggest sanctuary is directly adjacent to it and it's not far from anything a deer could want. This is the view from the stand looking SE...

Looking due S and where I expect to have the best shot opportunities. (Chad/Ryan, this is the spot I want you guys to sit this fall.)

One thing about doing this plots for a few years and having the right equipment is how great a seed bed we are getting. Dad hits it once with the tailgate up and in 2nd gear, then he drops the gate and hits it once in 1st gear at 2K rpms. First pass on the left, second on the right. Think that'll grow something?!?

I hung cams over all 3 plots and plan to leave them for the year. Hopefully they'll see some use and today's hard work will be rewarded.


Tatonka guide.
It's fun when you have the right equipment and the ground cooperates . Takes time but it is worth it.


Staff member
It's fun when you have the right equipment and the ground cooperates . Takes time but it is worth it.
It's so satisfying to say the least. When we finished dad asked what I thought and I told him how great it feels to be doing it right after a decade of dicking around. I told him he probably didn't get the same sort of satisfaction as I do, but it's a great feeling. He actually agreed and said he enjoys the process. Said he now sees what I see it in: Take nothing and create something.
Man you putt in some serious work Jesse! I have only had the decoys work 2 times and only 1 of those times resulted in the harvest of a mature buck. I have to agree with Brian about spooking deer as I have had more bad results than good. They pretty much are just dust collectors in my building anymore.


Tatonka guide.
It's so satisfying to say the least. When we finished dad asked what I thought and I told him how great it feels to be doing it right after a decade of dicking around. I told him he probably didn't get the same sort of satisfaction as I do, but it's a great feeling. He actually agreed and said he enjoys the process. Said he now sees what I see it in: Take nothing and create something.
its that mindset that makes this nation great


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looks great. Hope it produces for you. I need to check on mine this week. It is not for killing deer. Like yours, I turned nothing into something. I know the deer will hit the clover overnight as there are always tracks in it. Just not a realistic spot to shoot a deer. It is a "feel good plot" knowing I gave them something to use.


Senior Member
It's so satisfying to say the least. When we finished dad asked what I thought and I told him how great it feels to be doing it right after a decade of dicking around.

I remember the days of Jesse, his cousins, case of beer, weed wackers, rakes, and a walk behind tiller.

You've come a long way from those hard work days.

IMO...take out those 2 trees in the middle of your Paradise plot and I like the narrowness of Runway the best. Remember to try to maintain those figure 8 patterns so the pinch point is in the middle where your stands should ideally be.
Man what progress!! Reading the comments about right equipment sure is an understatement. How many people do we know who have struggled over the years just to get ground broken enough to get something beneficial to grow?! I'm one of them too. Can't wait to see the growing product from all you and your dad's hard work Jesse!


Staff member
No matter how good your equipment is, you still need help from Mother Nature. We got a decent rain on Monday and it's been the perfect kind of soaking rain most of the morning today. All my plots are buried under that yellow!