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I still workout 4 x a week but at 52 lighter weight more reps seems to work for me.
Was benching 315 with my son up till age 42 but started feeling it and doc said to back off the heavy stuff.
I weighed 217 5 months ago but am down to 195 now and feel as good now as i did at 40 yrs old.
Be careful on that heavy stuff so when ya get older you will still be able to lift some.

I understand but I'm kind of an all or nothing guy. If you want to be great at something you are going to have to take risks.


Senior Member
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South East Ohio
Damn I loved this stuff for several years. At 46 I lift twice a week and do mostly shoulders and bench and tri's. My best was 330 for a double when I was 34 and weighed 185. I was my strongest when I hit my mid 30's and now I pay the price with tie in pain in the shoulders. I try to stay in good enough shape to do 3 sets of 8 with 225 but find that harder and harder to achieve the older I get. As far as power lifting goes my totals sucked and I decided early on that Id do mostly upper body. Today I try and run a couple times a week 2 miles at a time.


Junior Member
Delaware County
I lift most every day but only max out every six months and try not to do weights where I can't get at least five reps. I figure if I can feel pressure in my joints doing something at the age of 18 it probably isn't something I need to be doing. I do lots of cardio, soccer, and basketball too, although I haven't been able to for almost nine months thanks to a torn glute.


I lift most every day but only max out every six months and try not to do weights where I can't get at least five reps. I figure if I can feel pressure in my joints doing something at the age of 18 it probably isn't something I need to be doing. I do lots of cardio, soccer, and basketball too, although I haven't been able to for almost nine months thanks to a torn glute.

If you get into powerlifting you will Definitely feel it. Its just part of the game.


Damn I loved this stuff for several years. At 46 I lift twice a week and do mostly shoulders and bench and tri's. My best was 330 for a double when I was 34 and weighed 185. I was my strongest when I hit my mid 30's and now I pay the price with tie in pain in the shoulders. I try to stay in good enough shape to do 3 sets of 8 with 225 but find that harder and harder to achieve the older I get. As far as power lifting goes my totals sucked and I decided early on that Id do mostly upper body. Today I try and run a couple times a week 2 miles at a time.

That's a really good bench at that weight. My bench really took a hit when I started pausing at the bottom since I was doing touch and go for years. It is going back up now though and I think I will be able to hit my goal of 405 by next year.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I don't power lift buy have been doing cross fit for about 2 months. I leave the ego at the door but still am gaining some surprising strength and fitness from it.


I don't power lift buy have been doing cross fit for about 2 months. I leave the ego at the door but still am gaining some surprising strength and fitness from it.

So I take it you like it? The gym I work out at is a crossfit gym and that crap looks hard. I would rather be a fat powerlifter ha-ha.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
So I take it you like it? The gym I work out at is a crossfit gym and that crap looks hard. I would rather be a fat powerlifter ha-ha.
Yes I enjoy it a lot. I have plateaued on my weight loss slightly but continue to loss inches and my wife says I have never looked as good before.

It's a great workout but I leave my ego at the door do as to minimize the chance of injury.

I workout before work three days a week and most days my shirt is still wet when I remove it from the gym bag that night.


You are probably gaining muscle and losing fat. And yah any kind of exercise has the risk of injury. You just have to be smart about recovery. Like right now I injured my rotator cuff so I'm really watching it with the wide bench pressing and overhead stuff