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Team 4


Junior Member
Hung some stands today. High expectations for them all. My new food plot that I added this year looking great!

This is a 1 acre standing bean patch with failing turnips around the edges. I mixed in some oats too. The stand is in the upper left corner of pic, in the walnut tress. Offers great shots to almost the whole plot.

This is the new plot....muck like Jesse's Paradise plot. It's deep in the timber. Should be a great spot all season.

and last....the view from an old stand with a new bedding area and water trough only 50-60 yards away. High expectations for the set.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Does look eerily similar to Jesse's paradise plot.

I hate to be "that guy" hanging a stand the week before the season but I did one today as well. Just picked up the property this year. First chance I have had to hang one. Don't plan on hunting it until maybe late October. Trying a new stand. We sell them, but I haven't hunted out of one yet. Looks great. Felt comfy while I was trimming lanes and sitting in it. Best part was the mowing I did last week. Went back in today to hang the set and the trees I specifically left along the edges of the mowed path I made with the tractor ALL had rubs on them. I was hoping they would get worked and become scrapes in the pre rut.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Fugg, you guys are ahead of me, I'm going out in the morning to hang a few sets. Way behind the eight ball this year. [emoji16]

As far as a name goes I'm OK with the mustache mafia on one condition. As long as everyone on the team sports their stache.

As far as the chops go, they ain't going to work this year. Just looks fugged up with a bald head.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Fugg, you guys are ahead of me, I'm going out in the morning to hang a few sets. Way behind the eight ball this year. [emoji16]

As far as a name goes I'm OK with the mustache mafia on one condition. As long as everyone on the team sports their stache.

As far as the chops go, they ain't going to work this year. Just looks fugged up with a bald head.

I will but it will be attached to a beard.


Participation Trophy Winner
Phil and Steve it's all good, I have yet to finalize any stands. They don't have to be there forever to hunt them, I plan on getting some moved this week. I still will change them around throughout the season. I killed my buck last year after moving a stand in to hunt him specifically 2 days prior.

I don't give a shit about the name, steve chops and a bald head can work, we will just call you capt. Spalding.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Holy fugg John, I had to Google who capt Spaulding is and ah no thanks bro.

Got three sets hung today. The first almost didn't happen. I had wanted a set on this certain property in a certain spot for two seasons. Due to schedule I just never got one out there. Well today it was going to happen, until I got there and it was just so thick no matter what tree I was in there was no shooting lanes. Another 5 years of growth and this area will be a huntable prime time spot. Well after a hour I thought I had found a tree that I could hunt out of. Went back to the jeep to get the sticks and stand. Got back to the tree and hung to where the stand was going to be. I was wrong and was not going to be able to see anything let alone have any shooting lanes! [emoji35] Tore this set out and was looking for another but couldn't find anything. Just as I was about ready to call it quits on this property I went for a little walk.

Low and behold I found something I wasn't expecting. Hung a set that gives me a huge observation point with great views all the way around.

West, this is the direction of approach to the stand.

Looking north at a trail. I can also see a good 75-100 yds once the leaves fall off.

Looking east, its almost like this is a old fence row.

Looking south, this looks like a great area. There is also a open field down below, looks like a great opportunity to call up some deer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mustache mafia isn't going to work. I just realized there is already a "Whitetail Mafia" team. We aren't going to rip them off. Back to drawing board.

How about "Team IKS"?


Junior Member
I'm going to give quick bio in case anyone doesn't know who I am. I think this is a great way to start off our tream page, as ive seen several other teams do this.

BigDumbF***#2, 34 yrs. old, live and hunt Fairfield County. Married 5 years, one son 20 months old with another boy due in February. I am a trophy hunter and will be targeting a mature buck and possibly a doe later in the season. I also typically take a few youth hunters every season.