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Live from the stand!

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Ended up being a total of four deer tonight. Two unidentified, and then a doe with a buck in toe. However I did not get to see the buck well enough to know exactly how big he is. The field I was over looking is about 5-600 yds long and is decided into 3 sections. One being CRP, the other 2 are winter wheat and clover. Had the doe come out of the CRP into the winter wheat and start feeding. I noticed that thee was another deer hanging back in the CRP but couldnt tell exactly what it was. They where about 200 yds out. For 30 minutes I watched and this deer would not leave the tall grasses, I finally determined that it was a buck but still couldn't tell how big. After while saw this buck start to thrash around, as soon as he did the doe took off back into the tall grasses with the buck in toe. At that point I could tell this was a big mature buck, dude sure was smart and was not going to step into the wide open for nothing tonight. Guess I know where I'm sitting all day Friday.


Tatonka guide.
Good luck Gordo. Hope you get a shot at one today. Time for a day off for me. Just found out there are 12 people hunting the same 60 acres as me.... Retards

Great deer Seth!
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Senior Member
Deer are moving well..... my hunter just saw the big 9..... same deer the other hunter saw from that stand yesterdsy morning.... little closer today.... 50 yards today..... we're on him.... jusy csnt get him to where we need him......he will slip up eventually


Junior Member
SE Ohio
Just got home from Columbus. On 33 dead deer increasing, Columbus > Athens. In Logan, on the opposite side of the road, there was a deer hanging out of a back seat car window, part way in/out, couldn't tell how big, on the way home from work, not stopping. back to the woods tonight!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
In stand since 6:00 am nothing showed. Now a damn bow hunter walked thru the hay field.
I set a text to the landowner. The other guy isnt supposed to be on this end of farm.
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