Deer hunting is the economic driver of the outdoor industry and deer hunters make up the vast majority of all hunters in America. Yet deer hunter organizations (QDMA, WU, MDF) have the lowest participation rate among all of the species specific conservation groups when it comes to overall members. If deer hunters simply matched the same organizational participation rate that waterfowl hunters generate (DU, Delta), the change in deer hunting would be astonishing. But as CritterGitterToo noted, "No group has been able to unite deer hunters." I don't know why that is, but it probably has something to do with hunters generally just wanting to be left alone to do their thing. It takes resources to make a difference. You can't go too many places and not find a DU fundraiser. On the flip side, deer hunters pour out money at events like Deerassic Classic that do nothing POSITIVEfor deer hunting.