Lundy, why did they let it go for so long. As our managing resource why did they let it go after record kills? Why wouldn't they, then, understand their goals would be achieved? If they had hard data, meaning check stations, biologists working with the heavy populated counties do you think the management plan could have gone differently? So now what are they doing? Do you think Ohio's deer herd can be sustained where its at? Hell no, it will rebound, the cycle will start again, and again, aaaaaaand again. When a biologist openly admits the herd can be easily manipulated, that should have been the red flag, I know for me it was.
They used the overwhelming majority of "weekend warriors" who could give 2 shits less, hell, the majority of them just knew there were endless tags and that meant more kills for them. For that, I do place blame on the ODNR.