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Buck Forage Oats


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
A brief report on my BFO and Buck Buster Extreme oat plots. They grew great and the deer were all over them through mid to late October. Now they walk through them to get to clover...barely touching the oats. Unless they hammer them in January I will either go with Clover or Turnips/barassicas next year.

I am even considering letting the plots grow into nasty thickets since they are used mostly at night.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
A brief report on my BFO and Buck Buster Extreme oat plots. They grew great and the deer were all over them through mid to late October. Now they walk through them to get to clover...barely touching the oats. Unless they hammer them in January I will either go with Clover or Turnips/barassicas next year.

I am even considering letting the plots grow into nasty thickets since they are used mostly at night.

I planted WT Inst. Forage oats in 2013 and 2014 and the deer fed in it everyday all winter until the clover started sprouting in the spring. I lost my oats planting this year due to a dry spell after planting. I will plant 1.0 ac of WTI Forage oats in 2016. I'm sold on the results of WTI forage oats. WTI claims their oats was taken out of farm use because of deer damage and I believe the claim.
Now the deer are feeding in the turnips almost everyday but not like the oats crop.
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