I've noticed an increase in goose numbers around here in the last week, but not ducks. It's a stark contrast to January of 2014. I was seeing thousands of geese and hundreds of ducks daily.
Question for you waterfowl guys. A week ago I was out and heard some strange calls in the sky. I looked up and saw some birds migrating that wasn't geese. They were longer and looked to have longer feet and necks.. They were in a classic V formation but shifted and split constantly. I thought blue herons but in my reading it says they migrate singularly or in a very small group. What else could it be?
Question for you waterfowl guys. A week ago I was out and heard some strange calls in the sky. I looked up and saw some birds migrating that wasn't geese. They were longer and looked to have longer feet and necks.. They were in a classic V formation but shifted and split constantly. I thought blue herons but in my reading it says they migrate singularly or in a very small group. What else could it be?
If you could see the legs hanging back and they were shifting formation I would say you saw a flock of sandhill cranes.
Ribeye of the skyThose Sandhills are good eating. There were several guy specifically hunting cranes when I was in North Dakota in Oct.