Cull has been stopped. Never thought we had a chance in hell. Our local elected officials are to be commended!!
Glad to here it...I can't find any reports though confirming that it has.
Cull has been stopped. Never thought we had a chance in hell. Our local elected officials are to be commended!!
Cull has been stopped. Never thought we had a chance in hell. Our local elected officials are to be commended!!
Glad to here it...I can't find any reports though confirming that it has.
I probably should not have posted anything, I think it was supposed to be kept quiet for some reason. But I was pretty excited. lol I got it from 2 VERY reliable sources that they were going to do more deer counts before they continue.
Now that was funny!!! Phil even got me!!!
Great job Randy!!!
The Metropark board of commissioners meeting is next Wednesday at 8:30am at Wildwood in the Ward Pavilion, located at the east park entrance. Not exactly the best time for folks that work for a living but I plan on being there.
The Metropark board of commissioners meeting is next Wednesday at 8:30am at Wildwood in the Ward Pavilion, located at the east park entrance. Not exactly the best time for folks that work for a living but I plan on being there.
The Metropark board of commissioners meeting is next Wednesday at 8:30am at Wildwood in the Ward Pavilion, located at the east park entrance. Not exactly the best time for folks that work for a living but I plan on being there.
Since I missed half a day of work to go to the meeting my day got jammed up. I have to say I was extremely surprised how open and honest the commissioners were. There were a lot of rumors floating around that were just not true!
I spoke very briefly during the meeting and also had a chance to talk to the park commissioners and the parks manager one on one after the meeting. The bottom line is the cull has been stopped until another population survey is done. I cautioned them that the numbers in the park after 3 months of hunting around the park will likely be higher than the normal year round numbers. I also let them know I understand something has to be done and offered what I think is a good solution. The park system is focusing on outreach programs to get more of the public involved and using the parks. My suggestion was to do a week long "bowhunters education" outreach program to include archery skills and safety, the hunter safety course, treestand safety/placement and general deer hunting knowledge. I suggested that after completion of the course those individuals could skip entering the existing park hunt lottery and automatically be given a hunting slot. The parks manger offered to have a one on one meeting to discuss how this might be accomplished.
They could just be bullshitting me to get me to shut up but I don't think that is the case. I truly believe they are listening to reasonable options other than sharpshooters. Most who spoke at the meeting just wanted to bitch and did not give any suggestions to change things.
The highlight of the meeting for me was when some tree hugging whacko suggested they collect the shit from the lions, tigers, bears, and wolves at the zoo and spread it around the park to keep the deer out. I immediately got a visual of volunteers with wheelbarrows of shit and shovels. I could not help but laugh out loud when she said this was a viable option rather than killing the deer. A close second was the suggestion that they castrate all but one the bucks and fence the deer in and call it a deer park. I seriously don't know how they kept a straight face during her time at the podium.
My takeaway from the meeting was they did not realize how many people actually cared what they were doing and they were willing to look other ways to deal with the deer. One of our local township trustees even stopped by my house last night to ask some questions regarding the deer and deer hunting. She was not dressed for the weather but was still willing to walk with me to show her what a "browse line" was. Most of us take our deer knowledge for granted and don't realize how little most people know about deer and their life cycles.
I need to give credit to Lundy for the harvest information he posted a few weeks ago, I used those numbers during my presentation to show that bow hunting has come a long way and is a viable option to control the deer.
I almost forgot to mention that their meetings have been on Wednesday mornings for decades. The commissioners said they would be willing to have their meetings in the evenings in the future when there are controversial issues like this to discuss.