I've been out hunting with my buddy and his two dogs several times in the last week now that he is well enough to do it. been trying to get him out in the woods with his dogs and to get him some squirrels to put up as much as possible before time runs out. we haven't done fabulous, even with three good dogs. squirrels just not been very active, but we've gotten a dozen or so. he couldn't go today, so I went solo with Lefty. it was pretty breezy, but he did a good job, and we would have gotten a limit, but I missed the last one he treed in a badly swaying tree top. squirrel only sat still for one shot. I failed to make it, and squirrel ran straight to a leaf nest, poste haste. still, we got five on three different stops. one, three, and one. try again with the old man and Lefty's kin folk again tomorrow. I'm pretty lucky, and happy, that I have the time to go out with him. he could not do it by himself, and I know how much joy it brings him to be in the woods with his dogs again after what he's been through.