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Stark County late season GIANT!!!!!!!!


*Supporting Member*
The willard railroad monster was investigated more than some murders in Ohio, if there was foul play Odnr will find out and fine you for every inch.

Yep , if ya kill a deer like that , or this one that's being discussed your not gonna get away with anything .
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Yep , if ya kill a deer like that , or this one that's being discussed your not gonna get away with anything .

If I remember correctly, they took little pieces of bark off the climber and matched it to a tree on Railroad property, if you going to tresspass with a climber, you better clean it or put it some where odnr isnt going to find it.


Dignitary Member
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Great buck. I see nothing proving anything either way here. Just my opinion. Not saying I don't believe the locals who joined to post here. They would know more than us as to the history on a buck of this caliber. Deer are random. We cannot know anything 100%. Ever. How do we know some coyotes, wild dogs, a work crew of some sort moved into his core area the day before? We don't. It is just speculation.


Junior Member
You will never stop the rumors from jealous people.i experienced it in 2004.the shed off a big deer i shot was found by a local in his yard which was bordered by land around LaDue resevior that was owned by the city of Akron and was restricted.since he found the shed the rumors were flying,i had shot the deer 1.5 miles north of his property,but you cant stop speculation.i took the rack to a buddies that didnt hunt and left it with him for 9 months cuz i figured there would be an investigation and had heard rumors that once your deer is confiscated you never get it back.nothing ever came about and never heard from the ODNR,but people still speculate


Junior Member

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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If Mason or I ever shoot a really good one, I'm filming the whole thing, at least recovery. That is, if I can't get a WO to tag along.

On a side note, for anyone that thinks it is unlikely a deer will move 3 miles, you are wrong. I know for a fact from trying to kill one specific deer, they think nothing of picking up and moving on a whim. Once they hunker down in an area, they will remain there for several weeks or even a month, but when they decide it is time to go...they go. There is a real chance this deer found a better brand of bird feed across town a decided to stay where he had not been seen before. Just trying to give the benefit of the doubt here, really because I hate hearing of deer like this being taken be less than ethical means, which they often are.
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Licking Co. Ohio
"Many a good men have given to temptation" Just a feeling. And JMO.
Dude looks a little like Ernest T. Bass also......
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio

IMO, this couldn't possibly be this Stark county deer last year. No disrespect to you Bobbie but what lead you to believe that it was this deer last year. This deer is a very nice deer but looks like he may have come from the same bloodline perhaps but I highly doubt it's the same deer though.

I understand why there are some questions pertaining to these huge bucks when they go down but I also feel for the hunters that do take them legally and then have to go through this bullshit when these rumors start swirling! Most are considered guilty until proven innocent which is bassackwards if you ask me! Sure if they have a shady past or several brushes with the law then yes I can see some red flags and cause for concern. I also understand his wanting to keep his hunting spot a secret but he should have known that killing this deer was going to expose some of his secrets.

I will wait to hear if the WO's uncover any illegal activity before I speculate any further as I'm going to try and put myself in his shoes. I would be very upset and hurt if people started rumors or began forming an opinion of me and my hunting ethics if they didn't know me and we're just just passing along heresay or rumors.

If he did in fact do anything unethical I'm sure the investigators will uncover it and he will pay dearly, but I hope it's all legit as we hunters don't need more bad press! Just my .02!
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Junior Member
Absolutely a deer can and will move 3 miles, but in my opinion a buck of this age and smarts and a big home area that is uninterrupted and at this late in the year?? I find that hard to believe. Especially if you knew the area and seen a map of where he would have to travel .


Junior Member
And people speculate yes. Sometimes for no reason. And by people across the state who have no knowledge of the deer. But in this case, there are locals who know this deer. And holes in the story (or lack there of). So I'm simply stating my opinion and that of other locals. So you non locals know a better understanding on the "NON STORY" there is behind a 250"+ buck the last week of season.
As Brock stated, he would want a wo officer to walk with him. As we would all just to stop rumors. But more importantly, as a hunter there is NO CHANCE IN HELL you can shoot a buck like this and not blab the story to someone. Its impossible. Unless, there's holes or you want him kept quiet for a reason.
I'm under the impression had his friend not posted his pic all over Facebook, NOONE would know of this deer. And as a hunter who can't wait to tell my friends family and fellow hunters of a "big" 150" deer, I can't imagine a circumstance I could/would want to keep this deer quiet. (Mostly because A LOT of people know of this deer).
Also, his buddy bragged in the initial Facebook post stating his friend is going to go viral because of this buck, but to date, not a peep. Why? Who brags of going viral from a deer then has all these rumors following said deer and doesn't tell the story of him? And not to a magazine or Facebook, but to local hunting buddies of his just to prove the validity of a deer that a lot of people are questioning.?