I'm not debating the legality of baiting. Nor the laws created by man to define baiting for legal purposes. I'm looking at the end result to define the means. If the end result was an animal is enticed to a location, the object that enticed him is bait. If you are using that object to help you kill said enticed animal, you are in fact baiting. It's quite simple really.
A judge only applies to laws created by men, laws which are largely based upon enforceability. The laws of nature reach far beyond mans laws. Such as an animals natural attraction to food.
Serious question here, what point are you trying to argue? I don't mean that in a sarcastic way like "what's your point". If it's just to show elitists that hunting over an apple tree, oak flat, etc. is no better than hunting over a pile of corn then I agree, to a point. I haven't been around this site long enough to know exactly what's going on with this "great bait debate" so I am genuinely curious.
If they consider hunting under an oak tree that's dropping acorns, or an apple tree dropping apples as baiting, then everyone has to stop deer hunting completely. I say this because deer are browsers, they are constantly nipping at buds and twigs on small trees and bushes throughout the woods, so if you're hunting anywhere in the woods you must be baiting?
yep, and this has to be the most amusing interpretations of any word that I've come across in a long time. do I hunt over natural "bait" such as a primary scrape or on an Oak flat? yes, according to Joe I do, but since I didn't put said "bait" there, according to me and my Websters dictionary, I'm not baiting. Joe isn't going to convince me otherwise, but I'm not sure he can resist trying. lol..., NOW I'm baiting. lmao
yep, and this has to be the most amusing interpretations of any word that I've come across in a long time. do I hunt over natural "bait" such as a primary scrape or on an Oak flat? yes, according to Joe I do, but since I didn't put said "bait" there, according to me and my Websters dictionary, I'm not baiting. Joe isn't going to convince me otherwise, but I'm not sure he can resist trying. lol..., NOW I'm baiting. lmao
If they consider hunting under an oak tree that's dropping acorns, or an apple tree dropping apples as baiting, then everyone has to stop deer hunting completely. I say this because deer are browsers, they are constantly nipping at buds and twigs on small trees and bushes throughout the woods, so if you're hunting anywhere in the woods you must be baiting?
yep, and this has to be the most amusing interpretations of any word that I've come across in a long time. do I hunt over natural "bait" such as a primary scrape or on an Oak flat? yes, according to Joe I do, but since I didn't put said "bait" there, according to me and my Websters dictionary, I'm not baiting. Joe isn't going to convince me otherwise, but I'm not sure he can resist trying. lol..., NOW I'm baiting. lmao
I don't think this is the case because all the natural browse is considered equal. There is no enticing element to one piece of woody browse vs the next. However if you found a single tree top that got struck by lightening and fell in the middle of a hard woods tall forest, then setup over top of it cause you noticed the deer were hammering the tree top, then yes that is using "bait" to hunt the deer.
This is not an argument of which one is right or wrong. This is simply stating a fact and keeping an open mind. I see Joes point 100%.
If they outlawed baiting I wouldn't care but you can see with Joes point how broad of a category baiting can be considered.
Im getting tired guys, but Ill keep going as long as I need too. hahaha
This man gets it! The animals actions dictates what is and isn't bait. Your choice to hunt over it or not dictates if you are or aren't baiting.
yep, and this has to be the most amusing interpretations of any word that I've come across in a long time. do I hunt over natural "bait" such as a primary scrape or on an Oak flat? yes, according to Joe I do, but since I didn't put said "bait" there, according to me and my Websters dictionary, I'm not baiting. Joe isn't going to convince me otherwise, but I'm not sure he can resist trying. lol..., NOW I'm baiting. lmao
So exactly where could one hunt that isn't over "bait"?This man gets it! The animals actions dictates what is and isn't bait. Your choice to hunt over it or not dictates if you are or aren't baiting.