congrats buddy!
congrats buddy!
J, if you want to team up,, let me know. Could probably do some hunting around Ben's area.
A week from right now, the wife and I will be about 35000 ft in the air en route to Los Cabo Mex for a week. This is a long overdue vacation. Can't wait.
What's good? An old fashioned community hog butchering is too good today. Bought a whole hog (310#s hanging weight) for $283.80. Sold some to my in-laws and parents. Ended up with 50#s of sasuage, 45#s of the best smoked bacon this side of the Mason Dixon, 30 1# thick bone in chops and 2 big roasts. All from hogs born and raised right here in Washington County. In a couple months, we get to do the same thing with beef. Must have been 75 people here today helping. The ladies put on one hell of a spread for breakfast and lunch while the men drink beer and cut up meat. It's a great thing to be apart of!
Can't beat that jesse! And a late congrats to you rick!! I finally found my 1st match set the other day. Long story short, I found them at work, we were driving down the road and I saw the main beam sticking up and I knew it was a shed. When I ran out to grab it is as the other side laying about 10 feet away.