Living vicariously through you, J! I always enjoy groudhog hunting. Haven't had a chance to get out yet this year.
That looks like a awesome view J!
Well I knocked on a few doors and got permission to groundhog hunt. The weeds and grass were too tall to really see anything so I will go back after they have the fields planted. There is also a pasture and shed with supposedly has a bunch. It was just nice to get outside. Saw some coyote dens and old hog holes. Also saw a bunch of deer beds.
Thanks and I knew it was a long shot today with the weather but I just wanted to get out of the house.
Nice job Al. The 17s are a sweet varmint gun. True tack drivers.
I bought my boy the same one for Christmas back in 08. Had the accutrigger. I loved shooting the gun as much as him. I remember picking off a crow at 150 yds once. Unfortunately right before the next Christmas we got robbed and they took all our guns.its probably my favorite gun i ever bought, bought it in college for 300 bucks. Its a savage, bolt action 17hmr. I have killed so many coons, squirrels, ground hogs, rabbits, etc with it. I only shoot hornady rounds out of it, and they just kill shit!