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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great attitude about it Ryan. That is a scary situation. Why in the world do people think they can get away with such ignorance?


How many ovi's does someone need to have before they lose their license for good? Always amazes me how many people complain about guns but not about this. This guy is going to kill someone someday if they don't take his license.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Glad it all worked out for you Red. Just a minor obstacle in life.

I was once first on scene of a one car accident at 5:30am on a Sunday morning. A car went into the ditch, hit a culvert, rolled across someone's front yard, and came to rest on its roof.

I pulled over to assess the situation to find an 18 year old driver leaning against her vehicle visibly shaking (she was on her way to her job working at the golf course). She had a scratch on her thigh and no other injuries.

I simply tried to keep her calm until the authorities arrived. I told her, "Your lucky to be here, your car can be replaced, and you cannot be replaced."

It was one of the most memorable moments in my life.

Tomorrow's another day......

2 winters ago while going in for reserve duty I stopped at the top of my street, it had snowed overnight and the roads were slick... Looked left then right, saw a car coming so I waited and looked left again only to hear a boom and car headlights spinning around... Drove up to it, car was completely fogged over inside do to the airbag deploying... Finally was able to pull the door open to find a 20 yo sitting in the drivers seat drunk off his ass... Beer cans in the back seat, called the cops, and while they were in route I opened up all the doors to air it out with all the talc that was inside he was breathing it in and coughing... All he said is I need a cigarette... And wanted to walk to the circle K a block away... Told him I thought that was a bad idea as he'd probably get cited for leaving the scene as well.... Cops showed up, and of course they knew him right off the bat... No license, no insurance and his 3rd dui.... Tipped my hat said if you need me I'll be at work and gave them my phone #....
He wasn't even old enough to drink and had 2 and just got his 3rd.... SMDH.... Tree was more damaged them him... Car was totaled... Wouldn't of took much to do that though as it was a wreck to begin with....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
How many ovi's does someone need to have before they lose their license for good? Always amazes me how many people complain about guns but not about this. This guy is going to kill someone someday if they don't take his license.
Taking a person's license that is obviously a full blown alcoholic won't do shit. The person has to want to change, until then they'll keep doing the same shit until they hit rock bottom, and rock bottom is different for everybody.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Funny thing is my truck is always parked right there too. But I parked it in my garage to finish loading it up last night for our camping trip this weekend and said to hell with it, it's gonna stay here tonight.


Taking a person's license that is obviously a full blown alcoholic won't do shit. The person has to want to change, until then they'll keep doing the same shit until they hit rock bottom, and rock bottom is different for everybody.

I don't really care about the alcoholic, I care about the innocent people they could kill. You should get 3 and after that you lose your driving privilege. If you get caught driving you should have to hang out in prison for awhile.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I don't really care about the alcoholic, I care about the innocent people they could kill. You should get 3 and after that you lose your driving privilege. If you get caught driving you should have to hang out in prison for awhile.
Ya well, in order for an issue like that to stop the alcoholic has to be treated first. He'll get some prison time for that DUI. Hard telling if this is his rock bottom or not, going off his track record I'd say it probably isn't. Sounds like the guy needs some serious treatment.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I offered my front yard if they just wanted to kneel him down and finish him off. I was half joking. Not very christian like, but sometimes you just cant help but feel it would be safer for everyone if that happened


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I offered my front yard if they just wanted to kneel him down and finish him off. I was half joking. Not very christian like, but sometimes you just cant help but feel it would be safer for everyone if that happened
Good thing nobody wanted to execute me, I'm still here, it'll be 5 years this November.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Got to let them suffer until they WANT to change. My daughter has over 2 years now and is a totally different person. It can happen!

I'm glad your here also Chad.... Can't imagine if I was the only one Brian had to pick on! rotflmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Got to let them suffer until they WANT to change. My daughter has over 2 years now and is a totally different person. It can happen!

I'm glad your here also Chad.... Can't imagine if I was the only one Brian had to pick on! rotflmao
He's ruthless ain't he?!


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Pretty decent weekend even with an injury. It all started Thursday when my boss came to me at 12:30 and said I need you here Friday and Saturday. I told him to eat shit, Ill be out of town. He wasn't happy. We got out to the camper my FIL owns on Thursday and see that we only have about 12 pieces of wood. Friday my BIL and FIL went and got a truckload of wood and came back to unload. While we were unloading it one big ass piece fell onto my toe. Now, this toe does not have a toe nail. While I was in Kuwait about to leave my first deployment a duffel bag full of free weights was dropped on my foot and CRUSHED my big toe. It looked like someone had stomped on a cherry tomato. The nail fell off and ended up growing back crooked as shit. So they removed it and killed the nail bed so it wouldn't grow back. Every since then the nail bed has been extremely sensitive to the touch. So this didn't help. It hurt like a mother fugger. Kept it soaked in beer all weekend.

This is what it first looked like:

Then a while later:

The next morning:

I haven't really done anything with it, I might try and stick it with a needle tonight to get the blood out.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Damn, hate hear that Dustin... I've busted my toes up over the years as well.... Always sucks when they get smashed and stubbed up...