Sounds like you've got a good plan that should work out perfect! Im gonna leave a few pics on here of a blind we built back in 08
We started with an oil well water knock out stand frame
Framed in the blind
Added a set of hubs to the rear so you can bolt up tires
Wood added to the outside with plexiglass windows ( had to end up framing the plexiglass in wood to make sliding open easier)
After paint, Attach the wheels to the rear, chain up the front to a blade or something on 3pt hitch, pickup the front and away you go
In position and where it has sat since, I love this blind and have killed a few deer from it
A look at the inside, two office chairs, carpet floors and a kerosene heater, roof is insulated and has metal on the outside also
We have another that is pretty similar but is on a trailer frame with tongue but of course basically sits groundlevel