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Baiting Idea


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
While out this weekend in wooded areas completely devoid of water, I thought to myself "Self, if a man had a water trough out here, I'll bet them whitetails would smell it and come a walkin on in..."

Now I know a deer doesn't normally have far to go to get water around here normally, but with the hot dry spell we've had recently, I'm wondering if anyone has ever used H2O as bait?

(just thinkin outside the box)


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Works all the time in our western/south western states. I wouldn't see why it wouldn't work to your advantage. Take Ernie's idea and see what happens.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
Where we hunt in Michigan there is little water in our area. The neighbor dug a hole in a low spot a few years ago that always holds water. The banks of the pond look like a feed lot with all the tracks. If the dry weather continues around here I will be spending time around one of the ponds on our hunting area for sure.


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
Baiting is a SIN according to CH! :smiley_bril::smiley_adfundum:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Where we hunt in Michigan there is little water in our area. The neighbor dug a hole in a low spot a few years ago that always holds water. The banks of the pond look like a feed lot with all the tracks. If the dry weather continues around here I will be spending time around one of the ponds on our hunting area for sure.

Last year had a hot day shot opportunity staking out a pond in a saddle in a hilly area...11:00 am
I'm actually kinda hopin it stays dry

Baiting is a SIN according to CH! :smiley_bril::smiley_adfundum:

Yeah, well Jesus loves me, even sent angels once to tote my 50# corn bags....talked to him and he's pissed at all the holier-than-thou's...really gets his sacrificial goat, so to speak


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
I had one of my best hunts last year over a small pond. It was 80+ and a couple hours before dark I had 3 does and their 5 fawns show up. The does got a drink and watched as the youngsters chased, swam, and splashed around for a solid hour. It was great to watch!!!

Two years ago it was also dry opening week. I had a good buck come in at the end of legal time. It was just getting too dark to really judge him when he was in range. As he walked off and was skylined I realized I made a mistake not killing him.