I saw adult doe and 2 youngsters then 30 min later, 2 adult does and 1 youngster walk 50 yards from the back porch I was sitting on just before loss of shooting light while smoking cigars w/ my neighbor.
The things you see when you don't have a deer gun or a bow...
Bummer Taylor. I heard he's a real stud!Had my target at 20 tonight. Couldn't get turned for a shot! Fun stuff.
If that doesn't hook him, I don't know. LolI took my son last evening and we had 5 bucks come out at 7:40 into the alfalfa field next to the corn. They could have come straight down the corn to us or angle away to the other corner. Yep, they angled away about 70 yards. He experienced his first hunting adrenaline rush.:smiley_coolpeace: