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Live from the stand!

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Junior Member
Lake County
Well that ended up being a pretty eventful sit. 15 minutes till last shot and I finally see deer, staying in the thick stuff so I just watch, big doe with two yearlings. Minute later they tear ass through the soy beans like they're spooked, then just run around for a few minutes. Three more deer enter the picture and end up ten yards in front of me. Same thing, just running around. Finally a big bodied deer enters the trail I'm on and he's pushing these does around and grunting. No horns, so probably just a BB. This went on till dark then scattered out in the woods. I set quiet and wait then climb down, of course it's dark and I can't see anything so I spooked a deer, it blew out. Very cool. I'll stay out of that set for a few days.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County

6 doe


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Just had my #1 buck under my stand. Couldn't get shot. Caught me off guard and couldn't draw on him before he chased two does. Hopefully got him on camera. Pissed at myself for behind lazy and sitting in la la land
You should probably quit resting your leg on that limb. What happens when you got one coming at you, and you have to make all that extra movement?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Very quiet until a flock of hens and poults came through. Did finally have a couple does at 30yds. That was right at last light. Felt good to finally have some deer in bow range this season.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Well...fall turkey opened yesterday. Heading out to my property to see if my buddy can get his first bird! I haven't been up this early since spring turkey lol


Junior Member
Wayne County
Come on day light...it's going to be a awsome morning. I've got my ten year old son with me in the same tree I shot that doe out of yesterday ... he shot 2 last year with a gun but he's never shot one with a bow yet ....good luck guys


Junior Member
Come on day light...it's going to be a awsome morning. I've got my ten year old son with me in the same tree I shot that doe out of yesterday ... he shot 2 last year with a gun but he's never shot one with a bow yet ....good luck guys

I wish I wasn't at work this morning! I drive 40 minutes through the country here in southern columbiana and northern Jefferson counties to get to work and I saw more deer on their feet this morning than I have since rut time last year. Good luck to everyone on stand this morning!


Staff member
I had the meat sampler at Millstone BBQ last night. Probably a good thing I elected to sleep in this morning...

Good luck out there this morning fellas!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well my sightings have went up. Have seen a total of 10 now. First a group of 4, then a group of 3, then a doe with a fawn still sporting it's spots, then a little while later a button buck trailing all the previous does.

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