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Live from the stand!

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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Saw the two small bucks this morning and the last hour was all doe action... 5 total and no antlers in tow....
Long 13 hour sit today... Came home and the wife had a huge pot of vegetable soup warm on the stove.... Life is good....
Back at it again tomorrow...



Junior Member
Saw two bucks. One was a small basket eight. The other was a nice eight. Drew back on the nicer one. Was holding waiting for him to turn he was quartering away almost directly away. Not sure what happened but arrow went flying. Not sure if release failed or i hit the release with my finger. Arrow buried way back on him. He bounded off. Pretty sure he is fine. Hit looked to be in the hock. Waited a while and found some blood. Bright red. Not a lot so I backed out. I will go back in the morning and do some more looking. Tonight I am checking the release out to see if I notice any issues. Sick to my stomach. Sure wish it would have been a clean miss. I believe he will survive but I want to make sure. He was right in front of my camera so I will pull that card and see if it gives me any Intel.

had a tru ball fang let go on me twice over about 3 months target shooting this summer. It's now at the land fill. good luck with the deer. hoping for a recovery or a flesh wound.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jon- That has always been a fear in the back of my mind. I hope he turns out okay.

J- Sounds like a nice welcome back home. Pretty solid day too.

Congrats on the doe Steve.


Participation Trophy Winner
Not a good feeling Jon. Hope you can get an answer tomorrow.

Sat from 1100 to dark today, had one doe prancing around getting ready with a young buck keeping close tabs on her. Good night overall lots of does and a few nice bucks by the end of the night.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Also, I'd take a bow and walk with another person. One looking at the ground and the other looking ahead. I wouldn't be surprised if you jump him at close range. If he's hurting, he will probably lay and jump like a rabbit. Gonna have to spot him bedded down.


*Supporting Member*
I opted to work today and save my vacation hrs for a cooler day next week since it's gonna be so warm . May do the same tomorrow .


Senior Member
Athens County
Absolutely no deer. Packed it in. Gotta have a good work push before Thursday. This hunting stuff is good for the soul.

Sit tight jay! Maybe the noon hour will bring one by



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Shot & missed at what I thought was a nine as he was after a doe. I saw him on the edge of a thicket behind my house & he was acting kinda goofy. Turns out there were two does in there too. As he turned to walk back inwards, a doe busted out, he started grunting & she ran past me. He followed, but stayed in the brush right up to my shooting lane. He was maybe 25 yrds out & I must have hit something as the bolt hit the gound just below & in front of him. He may be only a seven. He has a crab claw on the end of his left main. The rack is wide & that's what was throwing me off. He wasn't spooked afterwards. I'm glad it was a clean miss & since I know what his rack is, I can stay off of him.

My lighted bolt is marked in the yellow circle.
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