Just went out to the farm to glass. Saw a decent 8 point dogging a doe in the cut corn field. Stark county
Killed my 8 point last night at 5:30 while he was tagging a doe. Walked to my stand and climbed the tree at 3:00. Got settled in and noticed antlers in the brush about 40 yards from my stand. I noticed another deer walking around a few yards from him. The buck finally got up and started chasing the doe about 3:20. He for sure had ladies on his mind since he let me walk to my stand without noticing me. He chased and grunted for the rest of the evening around my stand but was always out of bow range through the brush. Several attempts to call him failed as he could have cared less if I would have jumped from the tree and yelled at him. The doe finally brought him by my stand at 15 yards. Needless to say things are heating up here in Union County!! Can't wait to travel south in a couple weeks for the youth hunt and help out the youngsters on the farm.
Slow night and after texting the NC boys, I know why. One of them saw the best buck in the neighborhood, along with 6 other bucks on one does at 2:30 today. All I saw was a basket rack 8 on the move at 4. One hot doe is a powerful draw!