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Ohio 2016 Rut Report. County? Conditions?


Junior Member
Union Co
Congrats! Got pics of your buck?



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Just went cruising a bit and about a 1/4 mile down from my house I seen a 130" 9 point that I know walking through a cut corn field. Took me about 5 seconds to spot a monster bedded about 100 yards away with a doe. This was a new deer to me. Just a wide, heavy, tall monster. With him in the cut corn, I couldnt make everything out clearly, but damn he was huge.I seen a shitload of bucks out with Does this morning. And every time there were standers by waiting for sloppy seconds. 1 group had 4 bucks just feeding beside each other watching a nice buck with a doe about a 100 yards away


Senior Member
Athens County
Seems about normal. Still a couple weeks off from turkey day. Plenty of time to catch a break and lay one down. Right place and right time.



SW Ohio
Killed my 8 point last night at 5:30 while he was tagging a doe. Walked to my stand and climbed the tree at 3:00. Got settled in and noticed antlers in the brush about 40 yards from my stand. I noticed another deer walking around a few yards from him. The buck finally got up and started chasing the doe about 3:20. He for sure had ladies on his mind since he let me walk to my stand without noticing me. He chased and grunted for the rest of the evening around my stand but was always out of bow range through the brush. Several attempts to call him failed as he could have cared less if I would have jumped from the tree and yelled at him. The doe finally brought him by my stand at 15 yards. Needless to say things are heating up here in Union County!! Can't wait to travel south in a couple weeks for the youth hunt and help out the youngsters on the farm.

Good stuff, man. Congrats!


Staff member
Slow night and after texting the NC boys, I know why. One of them saw the best buck in the neighborhood, along with 6 other bucks on one does at 2:30 today. All I saw was a basket rack 8 on the move at 4. One hot doe is a powerful draw!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
One doe with a spike chasing her around @5..... She finally mule kicked his ass and he lost interest.....
Slow day in the deer woods.... Buddy texted me that another guy who hunts the farm he has permission shot a nice 140ish 10 point he went to help with the track job.... No luck and after searching and talking to the guy it was a high hit from the sounds of it....
they're looking tomorrow morning but it do t look good....



Junior Member
Things are popping for sure here. I saw more deer than any sit so far. After I left I saw ten more all over clermont county. There was a buck doggin a doe in the parking lot of my daughters day car even! FINALLY



Senior Member
Athens County
Slow night and after texting the NC boys, I know why. One of them saw the best buck in the neighborhood, along with 6 other bucks on one does at 2:30 today. All I saw was a basket rack 8 on the move at 4. One hot doe is a powerful draw!

My morning was loaded with bucks. 9 all together, and I saw just about all multiple times. Saw two does hauling ass. Only one shooter, and he didn't show back up after day break.

For that many bucks in one area, there had to be a hot doe close by.

Not sure if I should go elsewhere tomorrow or go to same spot. History tells me there's a slinger or two around



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
4 doe all alone at different times, nothing going after them, had one buck possibly a 10 point in the neighborhood of 130" come thru and never offered a shot...