Excellent. Proud dad moment Im sure
These kids are full of them. Christine is doing a hell of a job raising them! Lol
I would agree 100% LOL. HOWEVER, Christine is not taking them hunting this weekend. Its a 2 person job brother. You teach them the man shit. Teach the boys how to treat a woman, be an example to your daughter of what kind of man she should be looking for, once she is 30. LOL.
Fuck that!!!! I'm north west of them anyways lol
This doesn't even seem fair... I highly doubt a shot actually gets fired, but it's fun to think about. I've taken them every year since we moved here. One time I let Kody take a shot and that was only because it was a giant, once in a lifetime kind of deer. I don't think any of them are old/mature enough to understand the taking of a life. That's just my feelings, and they are my kids, so that's what they get. Right now it's to keep them interested and fun to them. It could all change this year though. Kody has been talking about providing dinner for everyone on this coming turkey day. This kid has a huge heart and hasn't said anything besides providing food. THAT's the kind of things I've been wanting to hear!
I gave both of my kids the talk about killing. I tried to stress it was kinda a big deal. Madison decided not to shoot when the opportunity did arise, has no interest in the outdoor world at this point. Mason, on the other hand, will blow lungs out the opposite side every time he gets the chance, wants to kill and fry most every fish he catches, etc. However, when he looked at the bloodied carcass of his first deer, I saw it in his face... he felt the same elation and regret that anyone with a soul should feel, and he was only 7. I think most young kids will understand what they have done when they see the formerly graceful deer laying dead due to their efforts. I have seen, however, older kids with their first kill be completely disrespectful in an effort to be "manly". I have no issue explaining that is improper behavior...
"Geez dad, you gottta poop or something"
Poor girl lmao.... You made Mike dry heave don't do it to your own flesh and blood lmao