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Live from the stand!

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Junior Member
Seen 6 does this AM in a single file line. The one in the rear is a nightmare and I didn't do myself any favors this morning. She knows this blind is here and was on me like stink on shit. I tried to end it, but it was a clean miss. Maybe a little too far for the old 20 gauge. Or just hold higher next time!
That's a bummer I have an old doe were I hunt that knows were my stands are also and seems to skirt around them gonna try to move with climber or hunt of the ground this evening and see if she can be removed from the herd



Staff member
The neighborhood woke up around 10, so I suspect there are several drives going on around us. Went back to the truck to leave some stuff behind and switch boots. On a walkabout right now trying to take advantage of deer seeking safety. Sitting in a spot I've not really paid attention to in the past. I dig the view...


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I went home around noon. Took a nap. Dreamed about deer. Got up mad cause I couldn't even find one in my sleep. Good luck everyone. I've seen more people hunting this afternoon than I have all week.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Just got settled back in. Neighbor kid shot a buck and lost blood. Hank found the trail again and we tracked steady blood another 1/4 mile. Gotta be running low on fluids. Bet that buck had a check engine light on right now if he isn't dead yet. We backed out because we saw orange where we had to get permission to track. Didn't want to bugger the guy's evening sit up anymore.

We did bump a big body towards the area I'm now hunting. Didn't see antlers. Hope it is the old man buck.
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