Sounds like we can get some folks to attend, so I will start a dedicated thread in the next few days that begins the "education" process. Thanks for the interest fellas. My goal is to help shorten some learning curves, encourage folks to give this a try, all while providing a real life, hands on example of what you can do as a small time land manager.
No need to clutter the airwaves with another thread, so I'll just add this stuff in here. Below you'll see a topo showing the relevant topography to the farm and an aerial that gives you a 2+ square mile overview of the neighborhood. I've learned in recent weeks of two bucks shot during gun season that I'd never have thought ventured that farm, and have stayed in communication with two buddies who just moved to the neighborhood. Between all our cameras and local connections, this 2,500K acre area might seem big, but whatever management efforts I make, also get shared in this general area, and beyond. I won't air too much laundry here and will save all the juicy gossip for the actual tour, but this will give you a feel for what the surrounding area looks like and will eventually provide some context for the tour.
I'll add to this map and will develop the aerial as we get closer to the tour. Also, because I have a new baby due on March 9, understand that I could have to cancel this to be with family if needed. However if all goes well, my wife is on board with me doing this and I may even let K tag along for a little while. Right now I am looking at April 1 or 8th to do this. We should have some nice weather by then and it'll feel good to be outside!