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After years of prodding I finally got my brother to try bow hunting... Even told him he could use my tree the first time out. Someone had given me a brand new Baker as he couldn't get the hang of it. So after a few trys at hugging the tree and climbing my brother got the hang of it. I figured we would go one afternoon so his first real attempt at usng it would be during the daylight. So I stayed about 75 yds up the hill while he went down to my tree. I just got settled in when I heard "CRASH".. I get down and head down to him to find him standing at the bottom of the tree, the baker is broken and twisted at the bottom. I ask him what happened??? He decided to stop around 10 ft. up for his first time. Thank God!!! Once he got where he wanted to stop he decided to STAND AS CLOSE TO THE TREE AS HE COULD, SO NOT TO FALL OFF !!! Well you know what happened once he put all 225 lbs on the inside edge... GOING DOWN.... He was fine just a a little shaken up.... In fact on the way home we stopped and bought another Baker.. He was determined... Another time he had back surgery and when he was ready to get down he stiffened up after standing all day (back then there were no seats). So he couldn't reach down to get the strap around the back of his ankles... I attached my Baker to the tree and went up under him and put the strap on.. He then took a little cane up with him to reach down and pull it up... God Bless him cause at 80 he can still climb with the TSS.. And STILL HUGGING THE TREE.. NO CLIMBING AID...
"J'" If you remember on the Baker the side supports folded and had a dimple on them that was supposed to keep them from folding when in use... Anyway mine was so worn that they were always folding back up while climbing... So I drilled them out and put a small bolt and wingnut in its place..
Also always had a carpet on the floor...
I remember one day getting up about 20 ft and the Baker came undone and ratcheted to the bottom of the tree...Now all the way down its making noise, GREAT... So after sliding down tree (at least it was an ash) getting the usual scrapes etc. I get back in and head up. Half way up I stop to look down at my feet and take a break. So I also look around and see 2 bucks coming in (from different directions). My guess is they heard the stand going down the tree and thought bucks were fighting... Probably the only bucks I ever rattled in... LOL
"J'" If you remember on the Baker the side supports folded and had a dimple on them that was supposed to keep them from folding when in use... Anyway mine was so worn that they were always folding back up while climbing... So I drilled them out and put a small bolt and wingnut in its place..
Also always had a carpet on the floor...
I remember one day getting up about 20 ft and the Baker came undone and ratcheted to the bottom of the tree...Now all the way down its making noise, GREAT... So after sliding down tree (at least it was an ash) getting the usual scrapes etc. I get back in and head up. Half way up I stop to look down at my feet and take a break. So I also look around and see 2 bucks coming in (from different directions). My guess is they heard the stand going down the tree and thought bucks were fighting... Probably the only bucks I ever rattled in... LOL