I've been working 2 hours OT nearly everyday since early December leaving nearly no free daytime hours to do much except on my two off days. With crappyweather,family obligations and other work that needs done around the house my passion for hunting and other outdoor activities have been suffering. Anyway, I've been getting stuff done so when the sheds start really falling I have little to keep me from hunting for them.
Tonight after putting in another 10 I stopped at the grocery store to load up on stuff in preparation of the Super Bowl weekend. My stop took about 30 min and on towards the house I went. I was about 4 miles from home when I was driving along and passed what looked like a dark shed laying a foot or two on the road where the oncoming traffics passenger side tire would of easily hit it. I was driving fast enough by the time I slowed down to a stop I was a good 75 yards beyond it. With the road slightly hilly it was in a straight stretch where I could see no one coming from in front or behind me. So I stabbed it in reverse and backed up in record time. Sure as shit it was the left side of nice up and coming buck that had a nice 3" drop directly under the g2. Just before hopping back into my truck I said to myself, that other side might be close by. With just the glow of my dome light I looked just down the slight bank a few feet off the road and saw a tine and beam tip and fist pumped like I hit the lottery! I would have loved to have taken an ATL pic but they were laying far enough apart and the road is busy enough that I was afraid me taking the time to back my truck up and get some better lighting and views that I'd cause an accident so I just picked them up and headed home.
What a way to start my shed hunting season!!! They had to have fallen minutes before I came upon them and I probably was the first person to drive through there after the buck ran across the road there. If I wasn't meant to pick them up I couldn't have gotten any luckier! :smiley_coolpeace:
Blood and hair on both pedicles