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Coyote Challenge


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Caught another male today. 0302171005a.jpg

He weighed 38 pds, you can see the difference in size between him and the big 51 pound male the other day.
You think ya got em thinned out some but thats 4 the last 10 days.
Like cockroaches. Lol
But i am catching alot fewer from past yr's, but then again i dont have very many snares out now,i have them in just one small area but it's seems to be working.
Probably go another week or two if the catches keep coming.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Chad!
The yote today is the first one that i caught but he had his leg in and worked it off 2 weeks ago.
Somehow he got his back leg in it but fought it long enough to get out.
Not today though.




Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Nice to see Brian. Good to see you are having an impact on our areas population. War will be waged tomorrow on my end. Gotta do my part to thin them out now that they have a very large safe haven in our area!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice work Brian!

Question for you guys having success... What are you doing with your yotes? A few guys I've been talking to have said that coyotes are pretty much worthless right now. The guy at Sterling Fur said they aren't even buying them. Is it worth skinning them or are you just throwing them in a pile somewhere? My question assumes you are not keeping hides for tanning for decoration purposes... I'm talking skinning for sale.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Nice work Brian!

Question for you guys having success... What are you doing with your yotes? A few guys I've been talking to have said that coyotes are pretty much worthless right now. The guy at Sterling Fur said they aren't even buying them. Is it worth skinning them or are you just throwing them in a pile somewhere? My question assumes you are not keeping hides for tanning for decoration purposes... I'm talking skinning for sale.
I'm not having any success lol but a lot of yotes are rubbed on the back this time of year. You might as well pitch it if it's missing a lot of hair on the back, usually right behind the neck.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Nice work Brian!

Question for you guys having success... What are you doing with your yotes? A few guys I've been talking to have said that coyotes are pretty much worthless right now. The guy at Sterling Fur said they aren't even buying them. Is it worth skinning them or are you just throwing them in a pile somewhere? My question assumes you are not keeping hides for tanning for decoration purposes... I'm talking skinning for sale.

I have skinned 4 and will have them tanned. I have a bundle of hides that need a few more. If their rubbed, just be glad they are dead and not eating any longer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm not having any success lol but a lot of yotes are rubbed on the back this time of year. You might as well pitch it if it's missing a lot of hair on the back, usually right behind the neck.

I have skinned 4 and will have them tanned. I have a bundle of hides that need a few more. If their rubbed, just be glad they are dead and not eating any longer.
Thanks, guys. That is what I figured. Just needed some reassurance.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yep if their rubbed Jim pitch em, if not you should at least have the pleasure of skinning a few of the stinking bastards lol
I have a big bundle and dont really need anymore so have been giving them to guys that want some tanned.
Now if i ever catch a black yote it will be added to my tanned bundle.
128 yotes total caught and not one black one. Damn.
Plus you look at the fur prices and they say $25 for yotes,Ha you are usually lucky to get $6 for a good one or they wont buy em.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Nice work Brian!

Question for you guys having success... What are you doing with your yotes? A few guys I've been talking to have said that coyotes are pretty much worthless right now. The guy at Sterling Fur said they aren't even buying them. Is it worth skinning them or are you just throwing them in a pile somewhere? My question assumes you are not keeping hides for tanning for decoration purposes... I'm talking skinning for sale.
Eastern coyotes sold pretty strong at NAFA and went for 25 a hide. Western lights went for 56. But you have to skin, flesh, and ship to NAFA yourself. Cut out the middle man fur buyer. The problem is you may have to wait a while until the next auction and they sell at what they sell at. And if they don't sell they get held until the next one. They don't ship back.

Coon went unsold and is worthless. Fox went for 15.

I skinned mine and froze it. I'm going to send it to USA Foxx and fur and have them tan it and make my son a teddy bear.