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I dont disagree with you that money is the future of the sport. Between doctors, lawyers, and insurance agents buying up land in the country, people leasing, and more and more landowners wanting more than just help around the farm access is becoming increasingly scarce. And the farmers who will let you hunt have a swinging dick in every tree.In all seriousness the rich upper class people are the future to our sport and gun interest, hunting land is in limited supply and simple supply and demand determines price and opportunity. Basically what I am saying is opportunities to hunt are going to continue to diminish greatly because of several land consumption variables. Land conservation is a much greater necessity than keeping children interested in hunting. Hunting is as popular or more popular than ever (Southern States ,Middle West and Rural States), youth season elimination would not lead to the end of hunting, the access to hunting ground with reasonable harvest/sighting expectation without bumping into a crossbow hunter or someone in orange every 50 yards will cause the end of hunting popularity. I know I have a very pessimistic point of view, but introducing kids into hunting that really have no land access or family/close friend network is pointless and counter productive for the rest of us. Hunting is a cut throat money sport, I have absolutely no problem admitting it and see what the future really looks like. I am personally not cut throat and enjoy the fellowship of christian men coming together as much as anyone, I just think we are closer than we think to basically the general population of hunters "fighting over the scraps" and the taking almost all reasonable enjoyment out of the sport.
That's reality. It's going to happen wether we like it or not. As soon as it warms up I'm going to be banging on more doors than a Mormon missionary. Not to ask permission. But to sign lease agreements that I'm going to sublease. It's going to happen anyway and somebody is going to make money. Why let it be Basecamp and mossy oak.