I didn't hunt them last year either Chad, for the same reason. It isn't worth a dollar or two to kill one in my opinion. I did miss chasing them though.
I understand your thoughts Jesse. But, lets look at it this way, just for the sake of rational thinking. Those same "laws imposed on free men by folks in Ivory towers" are made for White-Tailed deer too. Seems odd that we would all be up in arms if one took it upon him or her self to shoot a deer in July for wrecking their vegetable garden. Not trying to start an argument just voicing my rational reasoning. Deer, coons, chipmunks, and even the opossum have laws that protect them . Some have seasons for harvest and others are protected year round. In my mind the coon is no lesser of a game animal than the deer we all love to pursue.
An example of this happened a few years ago. I drove into my Dads place to hunt turkeys in late April. I stepped out of my truck and heard his chickens making all kinds of noise in the coop. After our morning hunt we went to investigate, all his chickens had been killed. We hung a trail camera in the coop to see what came after the remains. Sure enough two large coons returned. I didn't try to kill these coons until Nov. 10 of that year, unsuccessfully though.
Just my way of thinking, and probably not the way most would handle it.