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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dad had a quadruple. He went on to volunteer with the local Mended Hearts chapter. He enjoyed talking to open heart patients before and after their surgeries. They do them everyday and they are good at what they do. If they are keeping him, they know what is best. Sounds like he is in good hands. Prayers your way.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Thanks for all the prayers fellas. A quick update on him. He has been home for a while and is healing up nicely. Now to get him to eat healthy.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm usually pretty decent at getting plumbing jobs done, I rip it apart and replace anything that looks like it might be going bad in the near future or is corroded just to prevent issues down the road.... A pay me now or pay me later kind of deal.... Today I had a strainer leaking that's been in since I remodeled the kitchen over 20 years ago.... Nut holding it together was severely corroded and would not break loose lol.... Had to call a buddy who was a coworker who retired this last spring and bring his dremmel over to cut the fugger off.... All replaced and no more leaks... I'm not a fan of plumbing work but I'll tackle it and make it right....But it had me not too happy this morning.... We went for breakfast afterwards and caught up on what's been going on since I've seen him last.... So dump worthy initially, but too good in the end...
I'd hate too see what some plumber would of charged for that job....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Glad you got it fixed J.

The key to basket strainers in a kitchen sink is to stay away from the shallow ones where the tension nut is right up against the bottom of the sink. Get the deep basket strainers. The tension nut actually pushes up a metal bowl on the bottom side. Much easier to get a wrench on for installation and for removal.

The only disclaimer is, if you have a double bowl kitchen sink and you have the shallow strainers. If your going to change one to a deep strainer then your going to change them both, because if one is deep and the other is shallow your drains won't line back up.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hank, our GSP, has been a complete butthole lately. Wakes up between 2-3am pacing the house. Getting into things. Has been ignoring his invisible fence color. I have replaced batteries, ensured proper fit, tested to make sure it is working. I have also increased the setting to maximum level. Out of the blue in the last couple weeks he simply decided he didn't care if he got shocked. Crosses the line and chases the neighbor's cats. This finds me wandering around my neighbor's house looking for him in the middle of the night. NOT cool. Not for me. Not for the neighbors. Made it real bad tonight when I'm wandering around and he wasn't there. Next thing I know he is coming towards me from another neighbor's. So here I am, 230am, standing in my neighbor's driveway, and Hank is "returning" one of their cats. He must have ran it off their property or tracked it onto a different neighbor's property. I don't know but he did return it for them. He dropped it when commanded. Then he took off for another 15 minutes of running. Bastard! So now I am in the middle of the road looking every way trying to find the dark colored turd of a dog. I see a tall, slender, silhouette to the east. Weird. He doesn't usually head that way. He is heading south (back towards the neighbor with the cats.) I yell "Hank! Here!" The dog stops, looks, turns back the way it came from and bolts. As it bolted I see a long tail. Wasn't Hank. It was a coyote. A BIG coyote. Steady winds out of the south. Coyote came in from the north. I'd imagine he smelled the dead cat or blood? Maybe just coincidence it happened to be wandering thru between the houses from field to field. I don't know. Now I am waking up my wife going thru the gun safe. I need my coyote light off my rifle. Finally rounded it up. Wife is pissed. I head back out to look for the butthole of a dog. I hear other dogs barking. Figure I better head that direction. It is either Hank or that coyote. As I am looking, he comes from out of the shadows and towards me. I grab him. He is wet. Been in a pond somewhere. Blood on his muzzle. His? I don't know. Nothing else apparently torn up. Now it is 445am and the pain in my butt is still pacing and wanting to go out again. I'm exhausted. Body feels like jello. Alarm set to go off in less than 2hrs. I'm calling the pet fence company in the morning. They need to get me a stronger collar or something. Won't stop him from pacing half the night, but will keep him from leaving the property I hope.

No need to reply. Just needed to ramble and vent. Hopefully you all got a chuckle out of my frustration. In the big scheme of things, I could have (and do have) much bigger stresses, headaches, and problems in my life. There are plenty of people out there with bigger worries than this. Dump over.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No chuckling from me. Betty has been a real bitch lately too. Since we had Warner she totally flipped a switch. Keeps getting into and the trash on a regular basis, despite continued beatings. Yesterday I flipped my shit and literally best her with the trash can. I've almost had it with her.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I don't dump often but...
The MRI on my lower back is not good. Four bulged disks in my lumbar spine with canal narrowing. Now we know what is causing my foot issues. Impression: degenerative disk desease. Must be from previous injury and years of weight lifting. Not yet sure where I go from here.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't dump often but...
The MRI on my lower back is not good. Four bulged disks in my lumbar spine with canal narrowing. Now we know what is causing my foot issues. Impression: degenerative disk desease. Must be from previous injury and years of weight lifting. Not yet sure where I go from here.
Sorry to hear that man. Back/body issues are no fun at all. I think I need to get my back checked out too. Do you have discomfort in your back or just your foot? What are your symptoms?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I have minor chronic back pain. The foot issues are nerve related and can be severe to barely noticeable. I probably need decompression therapy since I have flattening of the the thecal sacs and narrowing of the canals.


Junior Member
I don't dump often but...
The MRI on my lower back is not good. Four bulged disks in my lumbar spine with canal narrowing. Now we know what is causing my foot issues. Impression: degenerative disk desease. Must be from previous injury and years of weight lifting. Not yet sure where I go from here.

Same thing here bud. Last year I finally got checked out cause , I would have these spates two weeks or so at a time that was unbearable could stand sit nothing just pain. Then my legs started going numb on top of that. Felt like I was losing muscle mass in my legs weird.So I got checked up and was told bulging degenerative herniated discs.

Long story short the chiropractor put me on the decompression machine for about two seconds it seemed,and I hit the release button. Blood pressure shot up to 195. That was the last time I went there. He wanted to see me two times a day etc. I just couldn't do it.

Anyhow my lower back doesn't hurt as bad as what my legs bother me. They go knumb and sometimes when I wake up and stand up in like the first five minutes, it feels like I've walked 50 miles, or my ham string and calves are so tight they feel as hard as a brick. Sorta curious if this happens to you?

Mine is from good ol construction.
Should have listened to those old guys when I was younger, about what I thought were their fake pains. When I never had a pain one. They weren't lying. Lol 😝