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30-30 for deer season in Ohio


The general hunting public is not very informed on regulations, harvest, weapon or otherwise. I still read guys asking how many deer they can kill every year.:D

I think the reason the PCR expanded to include a definition of any straight wall cartridge was to TRY to simplify the regulations for the masses, hunting and non hunting public. By the way the 45-70 was legal from day one as a PCR legal round.

I don't think many non hunters, or hunters for that matter know the ballistic performance difference in a 30-30, 7mm Mag, smokeless MZ or anything else. Heck I hear those Savage 220's can shoot to the moon, set 1 mile high at the outer atmosphere and only two miles low at impact:D

The above is why I don't think you will see a shift in the near future to include some "bottle neck" specific calibers. I do not believe the exclusion has anything to do with ballistic performance but much more to do with trying to regulate and control a hunting public AND non hunting public that just isn't very educated or informed about firearms and ballistics.
Make no mistake the whole PCR agenda will someday include high powers. One of my reasons for opposing the PCR agenda from the start when BFA pushed it was I knew the above justification argument would rear its head eventually. "If XYZ is allowed then ABC should be too." Next thing you know we have 300 win mags legal and no deer.

With today's slug guns and inline muzzleloaders, I don't really think that legalizing rifles would increase the deer kill any significant amount. Very few deer are killed in rifle legal states over 200 yards. Most are killed within a 100 yards or so.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I think they should stop where they are on the rifle calibers. Any much more and you take all the sport out of it.

However, I think it would be pretty sporting if they'd legalize spears, harpoons, and IED's. :smiley_bril:


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I feel we will never see bottle neck calibers. I don't feel the 450 or 460 shoot any further than the shotgun slug guns they just do it more flatter and faster.


I own two 30-30s (1 i inherited, the other I got so cheap I couldn't say no) and I refuse to buy a $700 45-70 damn it and I want to use my 30-30, I'm sick of being open minded and a true conservationist. 30-30's should be legalized so it benefits me!


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
Yep. Buckeye Firearms Association.

You can already see how slippery the slope has become. First it was to allow rifles but only in straight walled pistol calibers. Then it became straight walled rifle calibers opening the door for things like the 45-70 & 45-110. Then pistol caliber somehow got dropped and now its just straight walled so enter the 450 and 460. Now here we sit using those calibers to justify the 30-30s. At this rate In a few seasons there will be arguments for other 30 cals like the 30-06. And if we get the 30-06 then what about the 7mm mag. Well now that we have the 7mm mag why not the 300 win mag.

Man that would be awesome! Just wait until you can use a .50 BMG! The justification is you can already use a .50 cal ML. They are practically the same thing!!!!!! LOL


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just calm down and have a Merry Christmas because it won't happen. The state isn't stupid because of the large amount of income deer hunting brings in. The state may lower the deer numbers some but they will not destroy it for the sake of income to the state gets and the millions the hunters spend at local business.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Just calm down and have a Merry Christmas because it won't happen. The state isn't stupid because of the large amount of income deer hunting brings in. The state may lower the deer numbers some but they will not destroy it for the sake of income to the state gets and the millions the hunters spend at local business.

Texas does this.

Think about all the deer that would get saved by not getting injured by bad bow shots.

Hell, it might even increase the amount of hunters! No need to go out and spend thousands on bow hunting equipment.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Texas does this.

Think about all the deer that would get saved by not getting injured by bad bow shots.

Hell, it might even increase the amount of hunters! No need to go out and spend thousands on bow hunting equipment.
And imagine all the guys that think they can shoot 300 yards when they can't.
I dont see the state every allowing the .30-30 or any other bottle necks. If you want a flatter shooting straight wall look at the .38-55.

 you're nuts lol

Actually that wouldnt be that bad if you got rid of the extra antlerless tags. Then lowered the tags to one either antler/anterless tag in the north half of the state. If not better than what we have now. Then have 1 either antler/antlerless and 1 antlerless in the southern half of the state. It would piss bow hunters off. But you could have the early season as bow only like north carolina does. Also restrict some public lands as bow only.
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