Just finished my Mid Term for my first class for my Guidance Counselor certificate. I'm in Intro to School Counseling. The mid term was a 10 question essay test that took me FOREVER! I've been at it since 7:00 this moring and just finished. Holy smokes!!! Well, it wasn't due until Sunday night, so now I can relax. I just hope I answered everything correctly. Check out these questions:
1) Describe personal characteristics you possess that will make you a good counselor. What are your weaknesses?
2) In your own words, describe what counselors do. What do you think the most important role of the counselor is?
3) National and state legislative acts have had significant impact on the counseling profession. In view the current national social problems, what current legislation might you suggest that would affect the field of counseling and enable it to make a more significant contribution to our well-being?
4) Discuss Frank Parson’s three necessary factors that aid in the wise choice of a vocation, as stated in chapter 1. Why did he deem these factors necessary?
5) Discuss the evolution of the counseling profession. Why did it not get started at an earlier period in history?
6) Discuss differences and similarities in the historic development of counseling in schools versus counseling in agency and institutional settings.
7) What are some similarities and differences in elementary, middle school, and high school counseling?
8) Discuss the differences in the lifestyles of a school counselor, a correctional counselor, or a counselor in a private practice.
9) What theoretical orientation do you believe you would feel most comfortable with as a counselor? Why?
10) What are the differences among group-counseling, group guidance, and group therapy?
Anybody want to take the final for me????