I remember having target panic when I was younger also. I went from shooting masters scores ( top class- above AA) to not being able to hit a target at 20 yards. It was like a total mental collapse when shooting....to worried about where the arrow was going to land instead of worrying about my form. I finally beat it bygoing up to the target and standing about three feet in front of it. I would nock an arrow, close my eyes, draw back and aim in the direction of the target (being only three feet away, there was no way I could miss and didn’t have to worry about where my arrow landed). Then I would concentrate only on my form, touching the release and keeping my arm up for five seconds after the shot. I would then nock another arrow and repeat...not caring if I was grouping or not, just caring about form. After 20 minutes of this, I’d go to ten yards and shoot with my eyes open, again only caring about form. After a while, I’d go back to 20 yards, then 30, and so on. Took me about 6 months of this routine to beat it. Now it never creeps into my mind. I would never wish target panic on anyone, it really messes with your confidence.