well my buddy thats in the coast guard let me borrow two of his new moultree cams to put out since he will be away on duty for a couple weeks... went to check one today and it was gone... the most surprising thing is that this camera was were i thought to be the least likely for someone to take it let alone find it... its the only one of my cams i have on my grandpas property that was about 500-600 yards away from his house... this really bothers me cause i have no idea who could of gotten in there and lifted it... it just bothers me that much more that it was on our property in our neighborhood where it happened.... so i am heading to woodbury to buy my buddy a new cam... fortunately for him.. the moultree d50ir's are on sale for 70 bucks and the one was stolen was a 99 dollar flash cam... this sucks..