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The House Flip.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Stains done. House is cranked up to about 80. I'll need to hit a few light spots and blend but should be able to polly about 10 tonight.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Bet it smelled great putting the poly down. Hope you were able to open some windows.

About killed me. I'm usually one to disregard the "well-ventelated area" crap. The house was at 80 degrees and I wanted to keep the heat up and the humidity low so I didn't opened the doors and windows on the first coat. I figured I'd just get a little high. By the time I was done I was outside throwing up. Which, as we know, is your bodies natural way of saying "hey dumb shit you somehow poisoned yourself." And the real kick in the dick is I didn't even catch a buzz, just got sick.

For the second and third coat I removed the window screens and opened the windows, then went around outside and shut them when I was done.


Senior Member
wear a respirator next time. that shit will kill you. you need to be spraying lacquer to get the good buzz. and a monster headache when it wears off...

looking good, though. nice job. (y)