I think I remember a conversation on the streets of Nashville talking with some ditzy girl about bourbon. She wanted you to come in there and was telling you they had whatever drink you wanted. You asked her for some good bourbon, and I am not sure she could even name one. Joe was at the point of pissing himself. I think that is the only reason he wanted to go into that bar. When we drug him to the Escalade, he ended up pissing in the parking lot like a dang race horse.:smiley_cocktail::smiley_cheers::smiley_beer::smiley_adfundum::BS2:
Shows my dedication to my bourbon.. "Anything" is a big order to fill and tantalizes my taste buds. I half knew she was just leading me on. I mean that is her job after all.. Shake her ass, perk out her tits, and get people to stop in the bar.. I immediately asked the bouncer. "What kind of bourbon do you have.." "Standard. Just makers.".. I turned and left. lol For the right bourbon i might have just pissed myself.
I filled and poured out that red party cup twice before saying "WTF am i doing" and just pissing on the parking lot.. lmao..
BTW... 6 Hours earlier i had just met Hicks friend john, john's wife, and her MIL.. "Hi, I'm joe.. Nice to meet you.. 6 hours from now i will be standing between the doors of your car while you all wait inside, and my drunk ass pisses like a race horse in a parking lot .. " I was never bashful..