My grandmother is 86, still smoking and drinking Black Velvet regularly. Meanwhile I remember my wrestling coach in high school dying of a heart attack while jogging at the age of 38. He was the healthiest person I knew...
There ya go... Your wrestling coach probably had heart issues in his family... Don't get me wrong I'm not saying vitamins are bad for you... But what did they take years ago??? Makes you wonder... Coffee, some studies say its no good for you, some say its advantageous to drink several cups a day... Me... I drink over 10 cups a day... I'm 68 and still can throw a 50lb bag of corn over my shoulder and go a mile or so... When going in the woods to push it to the limits I tell my wife I'm going for an EKG... I'M SUPRISED NO ONE MENTIONED "" GARLIC "".... They say its a cure all for anything... I knew a guy that was in Korea and he said they'd find cloves of garlic in a lot of the bunkers they overtook....My grandmother is 86, still smoking and drinking Black Velvet regularly. Meanwhile I remember my wrestling coach in high school dying of a heart attack while jogging at the age of 38. He was the healthiest person I knew...
BINGO! If I can just get the moderation part under control....You can't control when you're going to die, but you can control how you feel. You will feel better if you take better care of yourself. All things in moderation.
BINGO! If I can just get the moderation part under control....
Your water consists of a little hops and barley mixed in for flavor... Which is a good thing... Dally Dally...How did my name get thrown in a thread like this?! I had a water this week, I’m good right?
One thing that most people do not consider is that the food our parents and grandparents ate was more nutritional no matter what it was. Vegetables grown today do not have the same nutritional value. The reason is mineral depletion from over farming. Not to mention the guberment banned the use of manure as fertilizer in any crops for human consumption. The manure added a lot to the soil. Even organic grown crops are less nutritional than 40 years ago.
It’s called barley tea...Your water consists of a little hops and barley mixed in for flavor... Which is a good thing... Dally Dally...
In that case, you better add some honey to that tea..It’s called barley tea...