I found a new to me site that had open reed predator boards. Since I wasn't super happy with the last set I bought, I tried the new ones. I like these a lot better. Much easier to make distress sounds on, more of a distress call than a howler style reed like the last set. I thought this turned out sexy as hell. Rosewood for the blank on this one.
This one, just bear with me a sec. I watched several videos on the Tube about grinding quarters together to imitate a squirrel cutting. Yes, I could make the sound with quarters, but holding them and not dropping them was an issue for me. I came up with this using two pieces of scrap cherry I had leftover from other calls.
So in one end I epoxied in a quarter as the "sound board" basically.
The plug end comes out and it's got the other quarter epoxied in it like so. Now you have two pieces that are easy to grip and manipulate.
Sounds/works like this.
It's not the prettiest thing in the world, basically a rough draft. This, on the other hand, looks like it will be purty when it's all said and done. It's a bocote version of the predator call above.
This one, just bear with me a sec. I watched several videos on the Tube about grinding quarters together to imitate a squirrel cutting. Yes, I could make the sound with quarters, but holding them and not dropping them was an issue for me. I came up with this using two pieces of scrap cherry I had leftover from other calls.
So in one end I epoxied in a quarter as the "sound board" basically.
The plug end comes out and it's got the other quarter epoxied in it like so. Now you have two pieces that are easy to grip and manipulate.
Sounds/works like this.
It's not the prettiest thing in the world, basically a rough draft. This, on the other hand, looks like it will be purty when it's all said and done. It's a bocote version of the predator call above.