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2019’ shed season has started


Senior Member
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Looking over trail cam pics from the cameras we had out in Illinois since Nov. It appears most of our bucks dropped there horns by the end of Jan.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Might have been this year as Chad and I put a cam out last year at the end of March and I got 2 different bucks holding both sides.. My friend taped side he found of buck he passed.. It measured 61 inches.. It was the weaker side as right side had 3 more points.. Should be in 150s this year.. Here he is after deer season, Dec..



Today Buddha found one shed pretty badly chewed and a soccer ball. Still have an 8pt. holding as of last night, and a small buck 1/2 rack. Drove down to Cadiz to walk some Public Land yesterday. He found one side of a 6pt. Looked like the area had been searched already by all the boot tracks. Pretty much done for this season. Might go out and search for that small 8 still holding.


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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Well, matched up a lil fella I found a side too a few weeks ago today. Found the mate about 30 yards from where I picked up the other side.

It’s been quite a few miles of walking since I found the hollow break off/shed. It makes my count up to #12

Wouldn’t be a shed hunt without flushing one of these lil buggers.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Ric.. Thats quite a collection of sheds in the background.. We flushed quite a few woodcock last week in Illinois...
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Well havent got to make it out in the woods hardly any this year but yesterday while i was at work waiting for xray to shoot some welds i went walking on the outskirts of the site and found 2 sheds one was a pretty good one aint nothing better than getting paid to shed hunt lol!!


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Went for a hour and half walk yesterday after work done pretty good found a matched set about 15ft apart and found a little guy on a right away


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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
What part of the state to you work? Congratulations on another quick successful walk. I can walk for 15 to 20 miles over 3-5 days here in the SW before I find my next one. Our buck numbers are low and they tend to drop later here as well. Deer also don’t yard up like a lot of areas which makes dropped shed less concentrated.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
A surprise to me has been the length of yarding this year. Neighbor of mine has seen as many as twenty. I generally see 6-12 in this area although 3-6 is most common. Another land owner I hunt on saw 20-25 yesterday. This generally only happens during gun season due to low pressure on his property and heavier pressure surrounding or in extreme cold times. Although I have seen over 30 there, 10-15 is more common with groups of 4-8 most days. As I drive I'm seeing larger groups as well. Areas I might be excited if I saw 6-8 I am seeing 15-20. Makes me wonder if it isn't the same herd roaming around but I know it is not. I have seen these on the same night in multiple locations. I know a herd of 20 isn't moving a mile or so when I'm driving and beating me to the next location. Lol
What part of the state to you work? Congratulations on another quick successful walk. I can walk for 15 to 20 miles over 3-5 days here in the SW before I find my next one. Our buck numbers are low and they tend to drop later here as well. Deer also don’t yard up like a lot of areas which makes dropped shed less concentrated.[/QUOTE
Im working in belmont county close to st clairsville and i have got lucky past two walks because usually thats how my shed hunting goes i walk for miles without a thing but i will say this being the fact that the company only owns about 50 acres it makes me slow down and really comb the area and has proved to be more succesfull for me usually i walk alot more miles but i have been going slower and really looking. Im from west virginia and i have walked probly over 50 miles in wv and still have never found a shed antler there i love shed hunting ohio you have alot better odds
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Phil...spending the last 2 mo thsnin NW Ohio...you guys have a much healthier deer herd then SW Ohio today. I really hope our herd rebounds. Also good to see NW has a population now. Wasn’t always this way.
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Phil...spending the last 2 mo thsnin NW Ohio...you guys have a much healthier deer herd then SW Ohio today. I really hope our herd rebounds. Also good to see NW has a population now. Wasn’t always this way.
When I drive all around my areas going from one property to another all within a 6-8 mile circle and see the evidence of how high our hunting pressure is it’s no wonder why our deer numbers are so low! The only good thing about this years shed hunting is I haven’t found the first deadhead buck. I have found a couple small carcasses and/or doe but no bucks yet which is good. 👍🏻
Lots of bucks around equates to more sheds found and that is indicative how my area is and the number of sheds I do find. Some are dropped after I stop fighting with the greenup which is rearing it’s ugly head now! Thanks to all this rain and warmer temps🙄😂
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I do feel my immediate area is solid. It varies from one part of the county to another. It is also deceptive up here as you can see everything for miles and they so yard up. Makes shed hunting hit or miss. You can get skunked or stumble upon a jackpot depending upon how and where they are yarded when they drop.
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