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New member.


Hello. Growing up I always wanted to get into hunting, I've always been an outdoors person. It's always been difficult for me to get started into it, because I'm not entirely sure I know what I'm doing and I want to be effective and safe. I attempted a couple small game hunts, but nothing successful. I took a hunter safety course, and do have a license (or at least the ability to get one). This last fall/ winter I was going to go water fowl hunting, but unfortunately there was a family issue and I was unable to attend any hunts. So I figured, now is a good time to join and at least get acquainted with the community, and pick up some tips and perhaps make some friends that will show me the ropes.

I primarily want to get into hunting, because I'm curious about cooking with local game. I cook for a living, and am always curious about different meats. Sure I know it's not always the most economical way of obtaining protein, but I just think the experience will be well worth it. Plus, anything that'll expand on my gun hobby isn't going to hurt.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Welcome aboard! You’ve come to the right place...lots of info on here about every topic concerning the outdoors and then some. Some good people on here that I’m sure will offer some help. What county are you located? There’s a good chance that someone from this site is close to you and could offer some assistance.😊


Cuyahoga. Fortunately I am able to make the drive out to neighboring counties though. Hunting isn't too big in this county. I appreciate the warm welcome.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Welcome, we all started somewhere.

Advice I can give is to also know how to preserve the game you are after. Say you go squirrel hunting and it’s 70*, that is not time to try and YouTube the proper way to clean the animal. As you know being a cook, you gotta take proper care of the meat for best results.
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Yeah, that's what I have been looking into. I'm confident in my knife skills, and have seen videos, as well as been on the kill floor at a local meat processing plant, that I can do that. I'm more so worried about getting it down to proper temp, and the time frame I have to do it.


Senior Member
welcome. you'll find helpful people with a great diversity of interests and talents here.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Haha, nothing shocks me anymore.
Watch out for Jesse...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Haha, nothing shocks me anymore.

Well that is a relief. It is pretty well the off season here. Turkey season is around the corner of course, but this place gets off course in between seasons. The fact people are still posting tells us we have a good group. Some of the things posted (Nothing about nothing thread is hours of laughs and inappropriate humor) may scare off some people.

Glad to have you aboard. There is a search feature, but don't be afraid to ask questions. We won't run you off for trying to learn. We all started somewhere.