Quick funny from last night...
The kids & I went up to the archery range to fling some arrows, and then pick some black berries when we were done. Accomplished both tasks before the heat tried to cook us, and the mosquitos were no longer bothered by the bug spray. On the way home we took the scenic route to scout for deer. So, we came to a road with some little hills & dips on it. The kind where if you hit 'em just right you get that little roller coaster effect of your stomach dropping out on ya.
We hit the first one and the kids aren't ready at all, so this blast of laughter comes flying from the back seat as we crest the hill and drop down the other side. They're just rolling and I am too.... so here come another hill, and I let 'em know. We hit it just right again, drop off to the other side, and they're cracking up so hard that they're at the point they can't stop laughing....
I look back at my son and ask him, "What's so funny about those little hills?"
He responds, in between breaths and laughter, "I don't know Dad.... but it kinda tickles my belly & wiener"