Well, it happened again and within the 3 day markWow! Good eye!!!!
As said we we're on the ground, never easy already. About 5:15 two doe's come in look around for a little bit and leave. After they left I told son if we hear anything coming get your bow vertical and release hooked and be ready, with doe's he just left bow on lap. So about 5:30 and running out of light quick we both heard the steady walk, I glance over and he's ready to draw
Bucks on a steady pace to walk 10 yds broadside, it passes behind really thick brush and son draws buutttt as he does(still wearing harness) that damn harness clip was caught on a branch or something and as he twisted upper body snap, buck stops behind brush and doesn't move. Gets nervous and runs sheeesh it never ends! Only good thing is no chance he smelled us and probably didn't see us, he was just taking no chances.
Didn't help probably that son started the whispers when it didn't move and he couldn't see it anymore