So u guys buying bleach and latex everything what is the purpose of this? I mean like time line use of it? I'm failing to see the point unless everyones infected (which Id think everyone will be staying put then)and you scape through. R u going to walk around daily with this stuff on in ur house or what's the purpose to have it stockpiled? I'd think food and cases of ammo for defense of people coming on your property would be the best to stock up on. If it's 2 percent death rate I'll stay at home take my chances.
To avoid contracting a virus it's a game of calculated risks. Initially, you may still want to leave the house, so in that case, this risk can be mitigated by following proper hygiene and social distancing strategies. When you return home you may want to decontaminate your person before entering the house. Remember your house is your last resort, you don't want to inadvertently contaminate it with droplets that may be on your hands or clothes. A very diluted bleach solution is a powerful killer of viruses. You can also use it to decontaminate items you need to bring inside like mail, supplies or packages.
Gloves provide a great barrier if you ha e to come in contact with anything that may be contaminated that you can't decontaminate before touching. Gas pumps, doorknobs, card readers, etc. Throw on a glove, interact with the object, appropriately take the globe off, decontaminate your hands just in case.
It's all about mitigating risks.