Red and I have a buddy in law enforcement and you should see him during gun season. He couldn't hit a barn door....
Just because they’re not issued the rounds doesn’t mean they shouldn’t shoot on their own, especially after the post you made that I first responded too. They more so then anyone have the most too lose. My sil and daughter both shoot a lot. He doesn’t rely on the city to furnish his rounds for practice.
Mike join the law?Red and I have a buddy in law enforcement and you should see him during gun season. He couldn't hit a barn door....
No, you and I view self defense much the same actually. The disagreement is you are reading into what I wrote way differently than it was intended, and in my opinion you're getting into too much (unrealistic) detail for a guy that's simply looking for a handgun his wife will like to carry with her. She's a wife and a mom, wanting a sense of security... Not a hopeful SWAT team, special forces, or LEO.Your idea of self defense with a concealed handgun and mine are apparently light years apart. I will agree that the shooting sports are more male oriented but there is an entire market aspect dedicated to the female shooter.
Making a gun go bang in the proximity of the bad guy. So much wrong in this statement. 1.)There is a lawyer attached to every bullet you fire in a self defense situation. So where did that "proiximal" bullet go? Did it hit a bystander? Impact a building? Kill a child? 2.) If your gun clears leather/kydex its there to stop a threat with deadly force, what you described is tantamount a warning shot which is illegal.
Not to mention that she should have the knowledge and skill that she knows she can hit what she's amining at every time. Otherwise she's not going to pull it except under great relecutance and without the confidence to use it. Setting her up for a bad conclusion to the scenario.
How many law enforcement carry a long double action trigger pull revolver as their primary weapon? How many carry a DA/SA? How many carry a striker fire? Lets look at why next. Yes cost has something into play. But a 9mm (unless you reload) is one of the most cost efficient rounds to buy for practicing. The recoil impulse is much more manageable (even with training) than the other calibers. The stopping power with modern hollowpoint ammunition is comparable. You get more rounds in a similarly sized firearm. Heck even our armed forces which are switching away from a DA/SA (think long heavy first trigger pull) to a striker fire for their carry. I can also tell you that our special forces and black ops type guys are/were carrying glocks for quite some time. There's a reason for all this.
Now if you can follow the hints of modern law enforcement and our military why would you not give your wife every benefit you can between a firearm and the training so that on the day she has to use it, she has the best odds of coming back to you.
How much training have you or do you continue to do with your concealed carry piece? Lets think back to the church shooting a few months ago. Which of those armed church members will you be?The guy who flubbs his drawstroke and gets shot in the head? or the guy who actually has practiced beyond a random day at the range who draws will skill, efficiency and has the skill to hit a moving headshot at what Ithink was 10-15 yards under pressure? If you're going to carry then train so you're not a liability. We revert to our level of training under stress, so what level is that?
I believe (strongly as you may have picked up on) that carrying for self defense is not just having a gun on me. Its having the mindset and the training that if the day comes that I need it, I will be able to save myself (and family) from the threat. I continue to train to get better, more efficient. So until someone is ready to carry and be able to skillfully defend themselves with it, carrying a firearm is just that, its not a magic talisman. Not to mention carrying without training or the ability to engage a threat without endangering everyone around them is almost worse.
No, you and I view self defense much the same actually. The disagreement is you are reading into what I wrote way differently than it was intended, and in my opinion you're getting into too much (unrealistic) detail for a guy that's simply looking for a handgun his wife will like to carry with her. She's a wife and a mom, wanting a sense of security... Not a hopeful SWAT team, special forces, or LEO.