A few weeks back I informed every one that I would be missing bow season due to not buying a bow and buying a kayak instead. Upon asking for some good kayak suggestions, they said that instead of a 'yak, I NEEDED to get a bow. Well, I took that advice. My cousin had his hold PSE F-2 that he just stopped using this year. Price? Free. Hes a lefty, Im a lefty. So not only did I get a free bow, I didnt have to dig through craigslists posts and limit myself to left handed bows. So heres some pictures. Im afraid Ill run into some problems with file sizes but ill see what I can attach.. So what I want to know is what do you think needs to go on there to ready it for this season? Keep price reasonable but I only want to pay for good equipment. Not stuff that will break on me in my first season. Thanks guys!