Back then Americans were united in stopping the spread of communism, socialism, Marxists, etc. The difference today is, those people are already here.
People were patriots regardless of politics, they had a work ethic, they provided, they raised pretty good families. Today those same conservative, white, Christians are demonized, persecuted, and chastized on a national scale. They are called racists, bigots and accused of not being "woke", reperations and apologies are demanded from them for something they had no part in. They today are still conservative, patriotic, working men who pay taxes and want to raise a good family. Yet at every turn a large portion of this country tries to destroy them and run them down. Those same people have said that we should close the country and destroy the livelihoods of the working people. The enemy that Americans united against back then, lives amongst us today.
There are millions of good hard working people, patriots, in this counqtry irregardless of political affiliation - the pendulem swings both ways always has. This country has survived many crisis situations and will continue to do so - they will defend their homes and country, arms and ammo are not exclusive to one group. Americans united - takes compromise by everyone - there are patriotic working men and women who pay taxes and are raising good families of all political affiliations, races, and creeds in this country. Tunnel vision and hatred will eventually diminish to some extent as this country moves forward. Freedom without mutual responsibility is the law of the jungle.
I respect every man on this forum and like reading you opinions and views. Freedom of speech is one of the things that makes America great. We might not always agree but we are all brothers and can learn from each other. I hear ya
I agree to an extent Geezer. The line is not clear, the sides however are obvious. Who would have ever thought that you could almost guarantee someone's political alignment by the presence of a US flag outside their home. Not all socialists are democrats, some are more honest about it, but one would be hard pressed to find one that's a republican. I don't see the division in this country as repairable. There is no longer enough common ground. We're quickly heading for the time where people will be one of two things. The ones laying in ditch dead, or standing on the rim of it. Whose who is yet to be seen and hopefully it doesn't happen in my lifetime. However I fear it will.
In the words of Thomas Paine. "I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live
Pretty grim for a great country
We are implementing surge protocols at work. Admin staff are being pulled into patient care roles. It is getting real very quick in NE Ohio. If this trend continues, you better hope you and yours do not need healthcare in the near future.
We are implementing surge protocols at work. Admin staff are being pulled into patient care roles. It is getting real very quick in NE Ohio. If this trend continues, you better hope you and yours do not need healthcare in the near future.
Best of luck getting through this, Scott.
All the specialties like surgery, ICU, cath lab, and others at the hospital my wife works at are now required to wear N95s at all times. Magically, they actually have them this time around. We're still orange down here, but it seems inevitable that the whole state will be red before long.
My predictions that people would again vote with their dollar is proving true. Since the new mandates, small businesses are saying they have seen a dramatic drop in sales. That won't get any better as things ramp up again.
Home sick today. I had a kickin Fever that started on the way home from work yesterday. My head is still throbbing.
Home sick today. I had a kickin Fever that started on the way home from work yesterday. My head is still throbbing.
looks like I won't be working until Tuesday so I'll quarintine in the woods. I'm not that thrilled of paying to get tested.Pretty much how it started for all of us. Wife and daughter didn't get the fever but had everything else. Rest, Tylenol, drink plenty of water and don't be afraid of the testing. Better to know IMO so you are aware of what you may be spreading.