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ever calm deer herd scent


Junior Member
anyone every try the evercalm deer herd scent stick, watched a couple videos and it seems to work really well as an attractant and scent cover, wondering if anyone has ever used it and has comments about it.


Junior Member
I've used a similar product by trophy blends and i think the stuff is great. It really seems to work as advertised


Junior Member
awesome my buddy uses the evercalm every year and swears by it but he always has deer around so its hard to just get one opinion, so i take it even the similar stuff draws them in pretty good


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Phil lost for words...nah. Please expound on the subject!


Nothing to base it on. If I am wrong I am wrong and will admit it. I will be the first to take back my words. Just seems a lot like a gimmick. Plenty of these out there already. Maybe Milo or ChuckC or Ike can explain their successes more.


Junior Member
i just recently found out about this brand this year, im willing to try just about anything if it works, then awesome, if not then im out 20 bucks and know not to buy that again, just like the greens enraged wasted money on that to, this stuff i seen one actual user video and the deer actually went to the spot where it was, i wont have a decoy to use but they said another thing to try with this stuff is to use the deer herd on one boot and the rutting buck on the other. im just real curious if it really pinpoints them right to the stuff like it says and if it actually brings deer to your spot, usually the way ive found stuff out which may seem weird is the products that dont advertise as much are the ones that usually work the best.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am waiting to see if Milo hops back in with his reasoning. Milo's opinion is a respected opinion for me. I don't know ChuckC, but maybe he could expand on it too.

Swampdonkey- Reason I said "Save your money" is because there are really a lot of gimmicks out there that can suck your wallet dry. Best thing you can do is continue reading on here, scout from the road or from the stand during season, and play the wind. I just don't buy into a lot of this stuff. The product you mentioned might work very well. However, you might spend your money on 10 similar products and none of them work. Best thing I can tell you is scout in the snow in the late season and learn the deer traffic patterns for next year. It might save you a bunch of money on gimmicks and lures next year.


Junior Member
very good point hicks, there is alot of gimmics out there, i can def see your point on that, and there are a few that do work. the fact of the matter is one can only tell which ones do and which ones dont by tryin, i usually try to steer clear from something that robs the wallet for a small portion of the product cause they usually dont work. i usually never buy stuff like the tinks or code blue or anyone of that. this one for some reason has just gotten my attention and had me curious about if it works or not. but yea def no argument with what you said, there are alot of gimick out there just to make money, no doubt on that


Tatonka guide.
I have used this product for going on 4 years now and have lost count on how well the deer react to it. I generally put some on my boots and walk to the stand. the deer usually trail me right to the tree before making a hasty bloody exit. It does just what is says and the actually renamed the product and i feel it better suits the deers reaction. it used to be called deer herd in a stick. I will sometimes rub some on trees right on trails to get the scent profile into the local deer herd to enhance its effect/acceptance. it is one of the few products i have found that has ever been effective. I hunt some VERY thick areas and use it to stop deer in shooting spots and on trails. i would say this product has helped me put more than 8 deer on the ground. Doe's seem to be exceptionally vulnerable to it. must be socialites:cool:


Junior Member
great success story, thats why im so tempted to try it, like i said my buddy swears by the stuff and now two other opinions that swear by it, ive tried lots of stuff that is supposed to bring deer in, only had one product do so which is the swamp donkey mineral syrup, they literally sit there for hours on end digging in the ground trying to get more of it, does it take long for them to react to this stuff or are they on it pretty quick


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Milo. Good to know. Thanks for the first hand experience report!

My apologies to Swamp Donkey or anyone else that read my ignorance in the post. Just sounded like another gimmick. I stand corrected.


Tatonka guide.
Hicks, no sweat man there are some things that work for people and some that don't. for instance, smoke works very well for me EXCEPT when i head south. then its like i rolled in a pile of perfume. not sure why but it will not work for me at our farm.