After a couple of false starts due to a stupid mistake on my part in forgetting about Easter one year, then effectively forgetting about it altogether, this idea has festered long enough. Pictured below is a 400-acre block, with our 80-acre farm as the core. If things go well, we'll have control over 300 acres of this by spring. Either way, you are looking at the territory that largely influences the quality of my annual hunting experiences on our farm, which I affectionately call The Farm with No Name. I have 15 years of habitat management under my belt here and we've brought it a long way from where she used to be. @5Cent can speak a bit to the transformation after hunting it this fall, nearly 10 years after his first hunt here. Recently, one of my best friends has started hunting here and he brings a lot to the table, mainly the willingness to work hard and put $ in the pot for improvements. We've developed a 10-year plan to guide the next decade of investment and we'll begin executing this plan in February.
Unless the weather is completely unreasonable, I am offering to host a walking tour (quads also welcome) of our farm on Saturday, March 13, 2021, @ 9AM. I will walk you through all our improvements past, present, and future as we take a leisurely stroll through the hill country of SE Ohio. I'll provide lunch, you can BYOB. I wanted to get this on people's radars now, but I'll kick this back to the top in early March. If you want to attend, shoot me a PM and I'll add you to the list. I can't imagine needing to cap this, but I will say this is open to the first 10 TOOzers that say they want to attend.
Unless the weather is completely unreasonable, I am offering to host a walking tour (quads also welcome) of our farm on Saturday, March 13, 2021, @ 9AM. I will walk you through all our improvements past, present, and future as we take a leisurely stroll through the hill country of SE Ohio. I'll provide lunch, you can BYOB. I wanted to get this on people's radars now, but I'll kick this back to the top in early March. If you want to attend, shoot me a PM and I'll add you to the list. I can't imagine needing to cap this, but I will say this is open to the first 10 TOOzers that say they want to attend.